"I"LL CALL YOU, LATER... By E PLUS The Storyteller.


         "I"LL CALL YOU, LATER"

        ... By E PLUS The Storyteller.

So, it's that moment where you are actually in a good place with your wife, and she is so excited, because she finally gets to be all alone with you, after weeks of busy engagements.

"Darling, I really miss you!" Your wife says.

"I do, too!" You exclaim, then suddenly your phone begins to buzz. The vibration filters through and, your wife has noticed.

"Honey, who is that?" She ask, quite curiously. Then your heart begins to bear like an unending rhythm.

"em..em.. it's from...the office!" You respond, as you manage to throw in a line. 

"Eh...ehn? Shebi you are suppose to be on leave?" Your wife probes. Then, you break out in sweat, and you feel like disappearing because you just realise that your wife isn't buying your lies.

"Hmmm.. yes.. actually..as a matter of fact..I..I..."

"Well, just tell them that you are busy, or just switch off the phone! You know that this is our moment, we don't need any distraction " Your wife says, as she bails you out from your self!

"Oh! Okay, I will do just that!" You quickly respond, like a guilty toddler.

Minutes later, you get a text message on your phone, but you are too nervous to check. Your mind is almost exploding with curiousity.

"I'm really enjoying my self, I'm glad we decided to do this." Your wife comments, as she moves forward, and embraces you. Immediately, you cease the opportunity to quickly bring out your phone from your pocket to read the message which states:

"Please baby, I am waiting!"

And you quickly type:

"I will call you later.

And you get a response which states:

"Okay... Don't keep me waiting."

Immediately, you slip the phone into your pocket, and act like all is well.

At this moment, you are all smiles, and your wife is also responding with a broad smile...but guess what?


    A Story by E PLUS The Storyteller.


It's a new Dawn!

VOICEOVER BY E PLUS The Storyteller.



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