She was so restless because she was feeling quite itchy. The rest of the passengers continued to stare at her, curiously. After a while, one of the passengers moved closer.
"Young lady, what's really, the matter? You seem restless." The woman asked.
"I don't know ooo! This itching is too much." The lady responded.
"Hmmm...are you allegic to anything in particular?" The woman asked further.
"Not sure... This is kind of strange to me.. I'm just itching all over." The lady cried out.
"Okay, if you have time, you can come along with me to the clinic, I'm a nurse and I can quickly run a test on you." The woman proposed. The lady thought about it for a while, then agreed. Few minutes later, they were at the clinic, and the woman ran a test on the lady. Waiting patiently at the reception, the lady hoped it was nothing serious. The Nurse returned, and gave her the test result.
"Please ma, what does the result say?" The lady asked eagerly.
"You can read through, it's all in there." The woman responded.
The lady glanced through the note, but remained oblivious.
"Ma, I don't understand ooo!" The lady panicked.
"Anyway, you are reacting from an unhygienic condition, that's to say, you have not been keeping things around you tidy, especially with regards to your environment." The nurse responded. Looking quite baffled, the lady remained quiet, as she reflected.
"If I may ask, how often do you wash your clothes, toilets, clean your surroundings, e.t.c?" The Nurse asked.
"Well, mostly when I'm less busy, I work everyday, I have to leave the house very early, and I return quite late so more often, I don't get the time to wash regularly, I just pile up cloths, and might even repeat wearing some, other times.. it's really hard to cope." The lady explained.
"Hmmm..young lady, there is no excuse that's enough for not maintaining a good personal hygiene. Your personal hygiene is of utmost priority, and must not be compromised." The Nurse insisted.
Then, the Lady took a very deep breath, as she pondered over the advise.
On this edition of YOUR HEALTH MATTERS..The focus is on PERSONAL HYGIENE.
Ladies, and gentlemen your personal hygiene should always take centre stage, no amount of time is too much or too little to pay attention to it. So what are the possible areas we tend to neglect, that we ought to improve on?
The following are few suggestions we can take to improve our personal hygiene 👇
1. Maintain a very clean environment, from your wardrobe to your external surroundings.
2. Keep your undies clean at all times. Ladies, in particular, sanitise your undies with safe soaps.
3. Maintain a good eating habit; don't just eat, and leave the environment unkempt. Clean up, wash up.
4. Wash your hands regularly, even while at work.
5. Have your Bath, at least twice a day.
6. Make use of good deodorants.
7. Maintain a good oral hygiene.
These are very attainable hygenic routine, and should be adapted always.
Hopefully, as we go about our daily activities, we would become more aware of the importance of a healthy personal hygiene, because your health, matters👍
Created by E PLUS The Storyteller.
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