Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.

    Shani took a piece of cake, and dropped the rest, amidst deep thoughts. She looked quite distant, depressed and disconnected. Her mind began to run, riots. She began to ponder, thus:

How can I continue like this?

See, my mates! Everyone is driving the latest car, yet I have not even secured a job! Na wa o! And to think that I was the brightest in school. I think I might just end it all!

Omad stood before the mirror, and stared at his reflection for a very long time, then he broke down with his face buried in both hands. He was torn in between, all his years of expectation for greener pastures were all gone. He began to contemplate suicide.

"I will just end it all! There is no point!" He echoed.


It's alarming to know how 'suicidal', people are becoming, daily. Hmmm.. almost looking like a readily available option when things go south!

However, I have always pondered over the many consequences that tags along with this tendency and, if people ever consider them.

Hmmm.. whatever be the case, life is a gift, and how you handle it, is dependent on whether you even appreciate it, in the first place.

Every moment has its opportunity, and any form of distraction can make you miss it!

The question is:


Is your attention focused on the competition, the peer pressure, the flashy cars, those who have gone abroad, the dollar spray(here and there?), the paparazzi, e.t. c?

What does living, really mean to you? 

What's your yardstick for measuring achievements and success!

For you, is it about the 'Status' or 'Measuring up' with the Jones?

Maybe.. just maybe, it's time to put down these unnecessary weight that is easily besetting us..

Then I guess, by and by, things will become much clearer, and you will soon realise, that even suicide has never been, and will never be an option! Your life is in God's hands, seek wisdom, seek direction..

Pause and Ponder

(E PLUS the Storyteller.)

 You'll need something sweet🍰 and some flaky treats 🌮to enhance your mood in this trying times, our very moist cakes of different flavours, and flaky pastries are here, to your rescue at very pocket friendly rates. 

Believe me you'll ask for more. 

Just reach out to us here 👉🏾

 Do have a yummy flaky weekend.💝

*      *    *    *     *     *   *   *    *   *   *   *    *   *   *

The weekend is on us, wouldn't you rather order some fluffy and delish snacks?

We have a few slots left so you can still send in your orders today, before midnight.


Delight your family this weekend!


How can we only bluff about our capabilities without beating your imagination?

Reviews like this is a pointer to our awesomeness at Hearykrafts cakes, and even more.

 Heartykrafts why do you always tell me "not available as you didn't pre-order before now"?

It's really frustrating to miss such a bunch of succulent meat pies, sausages, and mini cakes.(an area dad's submission).

Now, We have come to stay, and never to leave anyone out of this sumptuous super bite😋

We will be having flaky Meat pies, Sausage rolls, plate cakes, and cake slices for your weekend enjoyment. 

Our crusty sausage rolls, Meat pies, and flaky beefy sauce rolls can stay for a long duration in the fridge or freezer, and may also serve as welcome back from school quick snack, for the kids or even as school snack pack idea😀 

     Meat pies -1500 pack of 6

🥖Sausage rolls- 1200pack of 6 

🍢Beefy sauce rolls-1500pack6

    Plate Cake (vanilla)- Midi1300,Big2500

🥧Plate Cake (chocolate)- 1500midi 3000Big 

🥧PlateCake(redvelvet)-1500midi 3000Big 

🍰Cake Slices - 1000, 2000

 HeartyKrafts...special treats all the time.

Call or  Send a WhatsApp message to 07086170336 to place your paid orders.

And, all orders can start rolling out from Friday.

Thank you, as you make it happen💪🏼.

You can click here, for easy access:


Hi everyone!😃

This is especially for bakers, surprise package vendors, and every personal brand that needs to package. 

HeartyKrafts Boxes introduces: Special handmade cakes, and gift boxes that will always make your package stand out, everywhere it reaches. 

Please reach out to us here:


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