Sandra's Mother was quite disappointed when she realised it wasn't Sandra at the Door. It was the mail man. Smiling, he held out an envelop and handed a pen to her to sign. Sandra's mother was quite curious as she received the envelop and signed on quickly. She looked at the back of the envelope and saw an address written and realised it wasn't a familiar.
She carefully turned to the other side and saw Sandra's name written on it. Well, she thought it was only proper for her to keep it for Sandra. Then on a second thought, she decided to open it. 
Sandra walked Fast, aware that she had stayed behind, longer than she had intended. She knew her mother by now would be very worked. As she walked her way through every single path, she pondered over every single event that had occurred back in school. Sandra could not help wondering what was going on with The Proprietor.
'Who was she conversing with?'
'Who was the man with her?' At least Sandra was certain of one thing, that definitely wasn't her husband! As she got closer home, she quickly opened her bag and dropped a note. Gently, she knocked at the Door.
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Mr Efetobor remained silent as the others waited for his response. He smiled and looked at everyone.
"The Day wey my Daughter, Onome, give me one letter wey one man bring come our house. I read am, na im I come see say dem don give me notice for my house, for the letter dem say dem won collect everything wey I work for my life.." Mr Efetobor paused for a while like he was trying to remember something. Everyone waited patiently.
"Mr Efetobor, I'm listening, continue please." The Police Boss said.
"I no won talk for now..make una release my wife, then I go continue." Mr Efetobor demanded!
There was momentary silence.  As the Police Boss pondered, his phone rang. He looked at it and looked at others like he was contemplating whether to receive the call.
"Excuse me!" He said and left many the office.
Minutes later, he returned, this time he appeared like he had a lot on his mind.😎
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Ochuko, Peres, Deborah and Adesuwa were almost at the end of the junction which led to their various destinations.
"Did Sandra mention why she had to return to school?" Ochuko asked curiously.
"No I Dont remember her saying anything. She only excused herself." Deborah replied.
"Well, I guess we would see her tomorrow.," Ochuko said.
"What if we wait for her here ?" Peres suggested.
" mum asked me to be Home early oo..she wants to send me somewhere." Adesuwa said.
The girls contemplated for a while.
"Okay, I think it is best we head Home, we will surely see her Tomorrow." Ochuko said.
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Doctor Tush cleared his throat for the umpteenth time and tried all he could to prevent the conversation about the girl from persisting but Lele was relentless.
"My Dear, why don't you talk much? T-T seem to be doing all the talking?" She stated. The girl became more nervous.
"Okay, maybe with time, you will get use to my presence, howeverhowever I urge you to loosen up because that would further strengthen your relationship with T-T." Lele said with a grin and left.
Doctor Tush wanted to respond, then decided it was best to let the conversation end on that note!😱
He knew more than now, the girl had become more outspoken and this was an indication that she was fast healing from her previous condition. However, just like he did with every of his patient, Doctor Tush wanted to ensure that there was no psychological pressure of a sort that would trigger any negative reaction.
"I hope you're okay?" He asked.
The girl nodded again.
There was a very long silence afterwards.
"How long I'm I staying here?" She asked suddenly.

The entire Kolobori community was in total darkness by sunset. Electrical power supply was already disconnected by the Government officials thus people had to depend on their laterns to see clearly. Unavoidably, there were quite a few accidents here and there; children bumping into one another, luggages missing and other people missing their steps and slipping off.
By a corner, were some Youths of Kolobiri. There seem to some kind of deliberation and apparently, they had a leader.
                    " like dis we go dey look make dis people come scatter us like did?" Onoriode said. Everyone exchanged glances, more out of despair. No one seemed to come forth with an exact plan.
                     "See ehn...Na we be the youths of Kolobiri community, if dem scatter us like dis im be say we don fail ooo!" Onoriode continued. Everyone remained still and it was however clear that they were faced with making a decision that would change the course of history in the entire community. It appeared at this point that someone had to to set the ball rolling.
                       "See...I get one idea." Akpos said, causing every eye on him.😮
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Sandra knocked at the Door gently several times before it was opened. Her mother was standing right before her and for a moment she froze without having a clue of her next utterance.
"Young Woman, where are you coming from by this time?" Her mother asked sternly.😠
Sandra just stared at her without a word.
"Well, just go inside and have your bath and when you're done, I want to have a word with you." Her Mother continued. Sandra became very curious. The last thing she wanted, was another trouble thus she quickly had her bath and returned as her mother had requested.
She sat close to her. "Mum, what's wrong?" Sandra asked anxiously.
"I received a letter today addressed to you." Her Mother said.
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Immediately, Mama Kemute fell to the ground for the second time. This time she quickly crawled to a slopy make shift kiosk. The noise was so loud that she could hardly hear anything for few minutes. It appeared like she could only hear echoes of emptiness.
After a while, she gained consciousness and peeped through a small crack on the wall of the Kiosk. Then the next thing she saw left her devastated. She watched Inspector Mash running towards inspector Jay who was lying on the floor and gasping for breath. With a gun in his hand, inspector Mash bent over and felt the pulse of Inspector Jay, apparently to ascertain if he was still alive, then he panicked and ran away. 
Mama Kemute shivered uncontrollably as she watched inspector Jay bleed profusely.😱
                                              Gloria Maduka
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