Lele smiled broadly at Doctor Tush and Once she was like that, Doctor Tush could sense she had something up her sleeves.. 
  "Well T-T I need a living proof of any of your patient who must have gone through some Psychological turmoil and would want to share his or her experience." Lele pleaded.
Doctor Tush pondered over this for a while. "Hmm..Lele you Know I'm.a Doctor and I treat my patients with great confidence! I don't think I'm in the right position for this assignment, I'm sorry." Doctor Tush replied. Lele was distraught. She had hoped that her son would be her best means to execute her project easily. 
"Well, I guess I have to search somewhere else then.." She said soberly.😰..
Just then, her phone rang, she looked at it and quickly glanced at Doctor Tush and The girl like she really did not want to pick the call..
 "Who is that?" Doctor Tush asked curiously. 
 "it's the state Governor." She replied.                  
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Virtually gettingettinge pathway which led to their destination,the girl's soon realized some men stepping out of the adjacent site, The work men. They had called it a day thus they headed for home while 'The little girl who had sold pure water' was being sorted our by Chief,
Or rather being interrogated. The Chief Inspector stood by as he listened to the conversation. "So, how much water did they buy?" Chief asked keenly. "Oga, na all the water dem take ooo!" The girl lamented. Chief remained silent. "Really!?" Chief exclaimed. Another silence followed. Chief walked inside to a room, came out and returned to his seat. The girl was puzzled while the Chief Inspector Starred at Chief. 
    "Chief inspector!" Chief called out. 
    "Chief!" The Chief responded.      "Are the workers through for Today?" Chief asked. 
  "Yes sir!" The Chief Inspector replied. 
 "Okay! You can leave. Here is some change." Chief said as he handed the Chief Inspector some cash. The Chief Inspector smiled broadly. 
"Okay Chief..till tomorrow nau!"He said as he headed out, leaving the girl behind. The girl was startled. 
"Oga, abeg wey my money? I want to dey go my house o!" She lamented again, this time, a bit restless.
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Everyone  stood still, staring at the Police who was by this time, moving restlessly on the floor. He had gained cautiousness and was breathing slightly. Sandra held on closely to her mother. She shook with fright at the sight of the Police. "So, what next! We can't just leave him here like this!" Sandra's mum exclaimed. The Police officer paced about. At first, he had recognized the Police as inspector Jay, his colleague and he was really alarmed. He tried to remain composed. Still pondering on what line of action to take, he turned to everyone present. "Don't worry, everything is under control. I know what to do!" He reassured them. 
   "Oga Police, make we do quick o! The man still dey bleed!" Said one of the men who had accompanied them to the scene. 
    "I know, just give me some seconds." The Police officer replied. He brought out his phone and began to dial.
Contact Person 
Dele Olutimilehin 
Island Depot 
  Papa Onome just stared at his wife, he appeared devastated. Before he could respond to her questions, he was returned to the confined room. He met his sons with Kevwe handcuffed. Mr Efetobor was surprised. He noticed the blood stains and could not help but ask. 
        "Na wetin happen naunau?"  Oshare and Ochuko without any response turned towards Kevwe. Mr Efetobor looked at him for a while. 
     "Kevwe, na wetin you do wey dem don put handcuff for your hand?"He asked again, however Kevwe remained silent.
                  Adurah Creations

                                                 Designs City
Gloria Maduka
Your On Air Personality
Monday-Friday@Inspiration FM(92.3)



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