Mr Efetobor was becoming very hysterical. He wanted to break open the iron bars in the room, however he restrained himself. He continued pacing back and forth. Until their confinement, he wasn't so keen on saying anything about his disappearance, however more than anything in the world, Mr Efetobor had decided to spill the bean.
He had been calling the attention of the policemen and was yet to be given any audience.
"Make una come o!! I don ready to talk o!" He exclaimed again.
Oshare, who had been asleep all along was woken up by his Father's constant shout. He and his siblings had become very curious over their Father's sudden reaction.
"Papa, na wetin you talk sef?" Oshare asked, quite wearily.
"Make una just wait, the time don reach wey everybody go kuku no wetin happen once and for all. I just want commot hand from all diz wahala!" Mr Efetobor Lamented.
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The chief inspector became very impatient with the workers. He tried to remain calm amidst their protest.
"So, do you people want us to remain here for extra hours because you are waiting for chief?" He asked desperately.
"Yes o! Besides, e get wetin we still won complain about sef, no be about only the food!" Another worker lamented.
"Yes oo!" The remaining workers chorused.
For several minutes, there was murmuring everywhere. At this point, the Chief inspector was lost. It seemed nothing mattered to the men at this point, then he tried to gain their attention.
"See, I understand what you all are saying o! It is not as if I Dont understand, it is just that, Chief has more plans for you people!" The Chief inspector said with a broad smile.
Suddenly, everyone stopped murmuring and paid close attention.
"Oya! Tell us the plans!" Another worker said.
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Everyone starred at Mama Kemute like she just fell from another planet. The Police officer who was present, leaned forward and pulled her up slowly from the ground. 
"Madam, are you sure of what you just said?" He asked curiously. Mama Kemute, still panting, nodded to the affirmative. Everyone just murmured in disbelieve.
"Dudu, you sure say you no go, go check the place?" The Police officer's aunt appealed.
"Okay Madam, can you take me to the place were this time incident occurred?" The Police officer asked gently.
"Ah! Officer!" Mama Kemute lamented as she quickly threw away the cup of water in her hand.
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Ochuko and the other girls stood and starred at the Locked Door for a while, pondering  over what to do.
"Maybe we should knock very well, I guess it was locked from within.
Deborah suggested. The girls decided to heed to her suggestion. 
They moved closer to the Door while Ochuko knocked harder, this time exerting her entire strength, however, there was still no response. Feeling discouraged, the girls gave up and as they were about leaving, a small note swayed down to the floor. Ochuko moved forward and picked it up.
The girls soon realized that it was a letter.
Adurah Creations
The Police Boss got up quickly and headed straight for the room where Mr Efetobor and his boys were kept. As soon as he arrived, he noticed Mr Efetobor hadn't eaten his food yet, rather, he had raised his voice so loud that it was heard right from the entrance.
"Mr Efetobor, can we have some quiet here? It is just 2.00am and we don't want this kind of noise here!" The Police Boss ordered.
Mr Efetobor starred at him for a while and then burst into a thunderous laughter.😁
The other Police Men became puzzled.
It was Morning already and Lele was awake. She had just had her bath and was dressing up.
She hummed merrily as she dressed up. Putting on her makeup, she opened her bag and searched frantically for somethin, then she paused and headed for The girl's room. She soon noticed her Door was locked, then she knocked. After a while, The girl opened the Door.
Lele smiled at her.
"Sorry to wake you up but I was just looking for my brush..." Lele said.
Ameenahs Virginhair

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Monday-Friday@Inspiration FM(92.3)


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