GREEN LAND (Part 4) Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.

 GREEN LAND (Part 4)

 Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.

 "This is our leader's Palace." Emini said to the driver of the convoy as soon as she successfully led the to their destination. Everyone stepped out of the vehicle, all smiles.

"You have really done well. At this point, let me introduce myself and the rest of my team properly. I am Lawson, and these are my team members, we are about to change GREEN LAND for good. As soon as we finish talks with your leader, then work begins. Take this for your lunch There's more to come." One of the men said as he handed Emini, an envelope. Quickly, she jumped up with excitement.

"Ah! Owo!(Money!) Thank you o! Thank you so much! Ah! This is huge ooo! Eh!" Emini exclaimed, as she ran off, and immediately the entire team headed for the Leader's palace.


"Chef! Chief! Where are you o? The visitors have arrived! I just saw them! They are at our leader's Palace now!" Iwolomo exclaimed as he bashed into Chief's house. Immediately, Chief dropped his plate of  Amala and Gbegiri abruptly.

"Ehn! When did they arrive?" Chief interrogated.

"Now! Now! Now!" Iwolomo replied.

"Ah! I have to be there... Olori! Mo ti jeun tan!(I am done eating) I have to be on my way now!" Chief said as he dashed out of the house, with Iwolomo following behind.

The Story Continues...








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