You are Welcome to another edition of MEET THE GUEST..hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller. Join us on this insightful and expository discourse with Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence, as we talk about national building and many more..

 E PLUS The Storyteller: You are welcome to MEET THE GUEST.. hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller.

Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: My pleasure.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: What would you say about the current happenings in the nation?

Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: John Maxwell, a great teacher and author said and I quote:

 "Everything starts and ends with the leader".

 In other words, the current happenings are results of failed leadership.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmmm..word! Tell us more sir..

 Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: Look at most of the things happening negatively today, are there no ways to have prevented such happenings?It is either the lack of capacity or the lack of political will, on the part of the leaders.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: People argue that a nation gets the kind of leadership they deserve.

Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: Yes and No. In a fair society where your choice is respected, one can say you get the leaders you deserve. However, in a society where corruption is the order of the day, Where respect for electoral rules are not respected, you may get leaders not by majority of votes.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: So it's  two sides of the coin.

Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: Exactly!

 E PLUS The Storyteller: Do you think our religious leaders are part of the picture?

Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: How do you mean?

E PLUS The Storyteller: People argue that the negligence of our religious leaders has its own implication in a nation.

 Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: In every thwelve, it is said that there is a Judas. Some are trying thier best.While some are part of the political system. Such,  will find it difficult to correct those they are friends with.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmmm..
Are you in the school of thought that, more than ever, there is an urgent need of national reformation? If so, which way forward?

 Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: We have walked this path before; National conference, reformed National conference, all of these gatherings in the past were not implemented because of the lack of political will. Let's begin with implementations of past gatherings even if it's selected portions.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: Then, we talk about prayer and Nation building...?

 Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: Prayer has its place and work has its place, you can't substitute one for the other.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Can you further expansiate, sir..we need clarity.

Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: We can not leave work to pray and expect things to change. Prayers don't fix roads, hospitals, education and the likes..It's work carried out properly, that does.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: What are your recommendations to the youths in the area of nation building?

Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: This is the scripture that answers-  Romans 12:9
Let love be without dissimulation. Abhor that which is evil; cleave to that which is good. If the Youths avoids evil and cleave to that which is good, then the future will be brighter than what it is now.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: Insightful!
 Do you think, women are being segregated in the scheme of affairs?

Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: Let the women raise their voices if they think so.😃

E PLUS The Storyteller: What about those, whose voices are being suppressed, particularly in a matriarch society.

 Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: Keep speaking, one day your voices will heard.  Just as you are using writing to voice your thoughts, keep at it. It will pay off soon.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: Thank you for the motivation. Do you think everyone should be involved in politics before becoming a part of nation building?

 Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: Not at all. If it's involvement by choosing the right leaders through voting, YES
 But we can't all be politicians.

E PLUS The Storyteller: We, all can't be politicians however we can all be nation builders, splendid! In one sentence, how would you define nation building?And why is it expedient?

Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: Putting round pegs in round holes and square pegs in square holes will make the foundation and building solid. That's the way to go.

The E PLUS The Storyteller: Seems like the grass suffers more, when two elephants you think this becomes necessary for leaders in the world to lias..?

 Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: What exactly do you mean?

 E PLUS The Storyteller: There have been recent call for nations to lias with others for greater advancement, do you think that's a solution?

Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: Do your house work first, no nation grows up, by depending on foreign aids.

E PLUS The Storyteller: all begins at home!

It's been such an amazing time with you. Pastor Igimoh, Alfred Excellence, thanks for being on this edition of MEET THE GUEST..hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller.

Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellence: Thank you

    Viewers, you would agree that it's been an amazing time with Pastor Igimoh Alfred Excellennce. Please, make it a date, next edition. If you want to be on this special Column: 
MEET THE GUEST..hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller, Call or send a message on WhatsApp: 09075005895


...And it's finally here..
 TALES OF VERSES by Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune(a.k.a E PLUS the Storyteller) is a collection of stories based on real life experiences which ranges from Rape, Domestic violence, child molestation, human trafficking, Vanity and Family challenges.
 Allthe silent voices who have been unable to speak out against these vices are well represented in these stories. Fictional names have been used to protect the image of the people in these stories.

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