That Saturday Morning, I wasn't feeling well, so I decided to send Sule to the pharmacy to get me pain reliever. While I sat on the couch, I began to remember those he would call me and crack jokes that made me almost fall out of my chair and, my colleagues would stare at me with curiosity. Immediately, I would just whisper:

 "Seun..I have to go o! All eyes on me, talk to you later."

 Then a long silence would follow, you could percieve the reluctance  to end the call.

" to you later." He would reply.

 Then, I would begin to count the hours, I couldn't wait to see him after work. Seun had a way of making me feel very special and all through our courtship, I never had any doubt, whatsoever that he was the one for me! As a woman who, has always been more of a go-getter, I was quite certain, that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him.

So, we had our introduction, traditional and court wedding. Indeed it was the 'talk of the town'.

 I remember I overheard some Mothers teasing thier single daughters to take after our steps..Hmmm!

Years after, the story behind closed door is one, that can be best imagined! Seun had lost his job so I had to bear the financial demands of the home while he was in search of another job. I remember during one of our conversations, how my husband flipped over, he had lost control over his emotions.

   "What is it sef!? Ah han! Everywhere i go, no vacancy! With all my qualifications, na wa o!" He lamented. I held his hands and looked into his eyes.

"My husband, calm down, the job will come, I'm sure God just wants you to get the best." I said.

  Seun just stared at me and shook his head.

"It's so easy for you to say, I am the one wearing the shoes, I know where it pinches." He replied and walked away. That was the moment it dawned on me that my husband was really unhappy.

That week, I called up a colleague of mine- Nnamdi, who had set up his own logistic company and was doing quite well. Actually, he had asked me to join him, but I wasn't really given to the idea, then I thought, maybe I should ask him to give my husband a position in his company, at least something to occupy him.

     "Ah! Sunbo, your husband na big man o!" Nnamdi exclaimed after going through my husband's C.V.  I had gone to see him at his office (with Seun's C.V)

"Hmmm..Na you know! Please, just help my husband, any how you can do it, do it!" I pleaded.
  Nnamdi pondered for a while.

"Okay, cool! This, is even quite timely because, I will be launching out a new branch on the Island, I guess he can head the branch.

 We will give him all the benefits attached, for a start we can afford to pay him N500,000 plus small small allowance here and there.

 He is also entitled to a vacation outside the country, once in every month due to the nature of the job." Nnamdi said.

 Right there, I realised that Nnamdi was more successful than I thought.

    "Nnamdi! Ah! Na you be the real big man here o! You mean these are the packages?" I exclaimed.

"Yes nau! Just for a start, besides from your husband's C.V, he is well read with so much experience. That's the lest we can do for him, as we progress, his packages will be reviewed." Nnamdi said with so much assurance.

  "Chai! Nnamdi, God bless you o! You're a good man! Thank you so much." I said with so much gratitude.

"Ah han! Sunbo, you don't have to thank me nau! Have you forgotten how you saved my neck from trouble while I was working at Platinum? If not for you, my career would have been jeopardised. This is the least I can do." Nnamdi said.

" still remember all that?" I replied and we laughed.

"Anyway, I will call your husband to resume nextweek." Nnamdi said.

"Great!" I replied and after few chitchats, I rushed back to the office. My day was made! I couldn't wait to share the good news!

  I had prepared a special dinner and planned to break the good news to my husband, so I left the office quite early. I stopped by the market to get some yam flour and soup items to make amala and eforiro.

   Immediately, I got home, I met my husband outside the house, plucking out the weed in our little garden.

 "Ekuse, Oko mi(Well done my husband.)" I greeted.

"Well come." He replied as he continued plucking out the weed.

    Quickly, I went into the kitchen and made dinner. I couldn't wait to break the good news. I could tell that my husband was enjoying the meal, only that he had become quiet due to his present condition so he wouldn't even say a word, rather, he just shut down.

    "Seun, I have good news o!" I said. My husband continued eating.

"eh ehn! What news is that?" He managed to reply.

"em..I saw someone today and after we talked, he said he has the position of a branch manager in his company and, he wants you to man that position." I said.

 Immediately, my husband dropped his cutlery and looked up.

 I could see the surprise in his eyes.

"Sunbo, you are kidding me, right?". I shook my head.

"No, I'm not, in fact you should be expecting his call any time soon." I replied.

   My husband flew over the table and carried me up with excitement. I had never seen him so happy.

  "Sunbo! Iyawo mi! Thank you so much! In fact, this is the best news I have heard today." Seun exclaimed. Indeed, it was!

 The week after, Nnamdi called my husband to resume and, he was acquainted with all his benefits.

Seun bounced back, he was quite diligent with his job and everything went on, well.

I took in a year after, and our joy knew no bound. I had my daughter, Nike, 9 months after.

 Then things began to take a new turn...

During one of the vacations, Seun had called to inform me that he would not return home as scheduled. Then I sought to know the reason.

    "What happened?" I asked.

   "Nothing, just work." He replied.

     "Okay, just take care of yourself." I replied and the call ended. Subsequently, this became a routine I had to get use to.

There were other times that I did not see my husband in two months so when he got promoted, I just thought he deserved it but, time proved that there was more to it, than meet the eyes.

While shopping at a mall, one fateful day, I bumped into Nnamdi.
 In fact, I just seized the moment to appreciate all he had been doing for my husband.

"Nnamdi, I really don't know how to thank you but my God, will reward you." I said.

"Sunbo.. it's okay. Your husband is a really hardworking man and we appreciate that too." Nnamdi replied.

"Thank you..but Nnamdi, make una dey let my husband come house more often o! I understand it's work sha! Don't mind me." I said jokingly.

  Then Nnamdi paused and stared at me.

"Wait o! We don't keep your husband beyond the normal schedules, we don't even have cause to and even if such occurs, he has the benefit of taking his family to the booked accommodation we have, for every staff so that while at work, he still has family time, so you see, we won't keep your husband away from you o!" Nnamdi explained.

"Oh! I see! That's great! Well done Nnamdi, you are a real Boss!" I said and we continued talking for a while, then I returned home afterwards.

  That day, Nnamdi's statement had revealed so much. Apparently, there were things Seun had not really shared with me. Well, I decided not to give much thought to it.

The next month, it was our daughter's birthday, and my husband was away, on one of his vacations. He had promised to make it for the birthday celebration but he did not so I promised Nike that we would pay daddy a surprise visit! She was so excited because that was her wish.

So, I managed to get details of the place he was putting up for the vacation. Our daughter, Nike, had made a paper card with an inscription: 'Daddy I love You' and we were looking forward to seeing him. After few hurdles on the way, we finally arrived at the location.

It was such a beautiful edifice. I couldn't help but commend Nnamdi for his leadership style.

We got to the reception and I spoke with the lady who was on duty, telling her that I was there to surprise my husband.

"Oh! That's great! Let me take you to the accommodation, I'm sure he will be more than pleased to see you, and his beautiful daughter.' She said excitedly.

"This is the place ma, have a great time." The receptionist said as she walked away. Then, I pressed the door bell. The door opened and a young lady with a little child stood in front of the door.

"Good afternoon ma, na who you be?" She asked. At some point, I thought I was at the wrong place but almost immediately, I heard my husband's voice at the background.

"Who is that, I have told you several times not to just open the door for anyone..." Seun said as he walked towards the door and, immediately he saw me and Nike, he froze.

"Sunbo!!! What are you doing here?" He exclaimed (more out of fright, than surprise.)

"Are you not happy to see us? and won't you at least, let us in? Remember today is your daughter's birthday?" I said, still wondering what was going on.

"Oh! It's true! em...

"Oga, make dem enter inside nau! I cook plenty jollof rice." The lady interrupted Seun, as she held on to her little son.

Seun looked confused as he beckoned on us, to enter the house. Immediately we got in, I could not believe what my eyes saw! It was tones and tones of pictures of my husband, the young lady and her son.

Then, the striking resemblance of the boy and Seun became clearer.

   "Daddy, this is for you!" Nike said as she handed her hand made card to Seun. He read it and tears poured out. Everything was now in the open.  My husband have another family! Yes! The young lady was his house keeper while on vacation and one thing had led to another..This is my reality!

Years after, I still suffer from depression and there are days, it's quite overwhelming.

"Madam, I don bring the medicine." Sule said.

"Thank you Sule." (Sunbo gulps down the tablet with a glass of water.)

  I have to be fit for my daughter's wedding tomorrow, it's her day and I promise to be in my best disposure. Her father, Seun will be there with his wife and three sons.

  Yes o! Seun left me for the housekeeper after she had threatened to expose his dubious transactions, something she had found out some time ago!

I still wonder, where I had gone wrong. I gave it my all! I sacrificed so much for our marriage, but what did I get? Betrayal!! Hmmm!
   I GAVE IT, MY ALL...A story by E PLUS the Storyteller.

    To get a free Audio-Visual Story by E PLUS the Storyteller, titled "Have you heard the Gist?" 
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...And it's finally here..
 TALES OF VERSES by Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune(a.k.a E PLUS the Storyteller) is a collection of stories based on real life experiences which ranges from Rape, Domestic violence, child molestation, human trafficking, Vanity and Family challenges.
 All the silent voices who have been unable to speak out against these vices are well represented in these stories. Fictional names have been used to protect the image of the people in these stories.

Click the link to get your copy.

Or send me a direct message with your email, on 08028489362, 09075005895.

 You get a free Audio-Visual Story from E PLUS the Storyteller when you get any of her stories, then you get two when you get all the stories😊


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