FOOD-LAW-MANIA...hosted by Adejare Azeezat Ifemide.
The Unique Path of the “Butter-Colored” Margarine.
  Margarine sure had a hard time being accepted as a domestic consumable, and it appears to be the most regulated domestic food yet!
Margarine, which was invented in 1869, by the French Chemist, Mege-Mouris, was  invented for the purpose of making available, cheap, yet nutritive fat to the low income earners who could not afford to buy the ‘real thing’- butter… 

 However,  Margarine was not warmly welcomed by different governments and was rather received, as an inferior and poor substitute for butter, consumed by the low earning members of the society.
While United States government only allowed the sale of margarine, so long as it doesn’t have the yellow colour, similar to the ‘colour of butter’, Canada towed the harsher route of completely prohibiting the sale of Margarine between years 1886 and 1949. 

These stringent laws led to the defeat of the entire essence of affordability as well as accessibility of nutritive fat to all and sundry, as very heavy taxes were being imposed on ‘butter-colored’ margarine. 

It was not readily available to low earning consumers, and even when it was, it ended up being too expensive for the class of people it was intended for, due to heavy tax imposition. The colour ban continued in the U.S and lasted until the 1960s, while in the province of Otario in Canada, the harsh laws on margarine only got repealed 24 years ago, in 1995! 

It might interest you to know that the province of Quebec still has some, not very favorable margarIne laws in place, till date.

So, next time you go shopping and see butter priced twice than margarine, you now know why...😊
Which one are you, Team Butter, Team Margarine, or Team Both?
@thatfoodielawyer takes your taste bud on a ride with her Asun recipe(spicy barbecued goat meat), with a twist. Click the link below, for more as you watch the video


@thatfoodielawyer voices out against xenophobia.



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