MONDAY BLUES. Written by E PLUS The Storyteller

Coming Out Of Monday Blues. "Ohhh!!!! Monday is here again!!! It just looks like the weekend should never end! Hmmm! Work! Work! Work!" Sam lamented as he tossed and turned on his bed, with his right hand stretched forth to put off the alarm clock. "I just wish this weekend will continue! Oh!!! Monday is here again!" Susan lamented. I guess there are so many people like Sam😁 and Susan. Monday is that day that seems to take a toll on virtually everyone especially when the weekend is such a bliss; given a choice most of us would rather have more days added to the weekend. Oh well! The narrative doesn't have to be the same. Let's look at certain ways we can switch on the vibe and step out of the Monday Blues. Every change begins with a mental attitude thus it is expedient to see the possibility of having a great Monday irrespective. WHAT KEEPS YOUR MIND ACTIVE? You can still enjoy what you love doing ever...