THE OTHER WOMAN.... A Story by E PLUS the Storyteller. (2) No be small tin oo, after the hang out with Felix, yesterday, I became quite tired. I woke up very late and did not get to the office on time. At least I earned myself some cash after the entire event. Felix! Ah! Strong negotiator! Well, I have no worries. As the other woman, I still have my terms and condition, if the tin no work again, I go just jeje comot, abi? Hmmm..but it is not as easy as you think! I'm a woman who wants to settle down but, they all don't stay. Not that I am not beautiful enough o! It just appears like I'm only good enough to warm their beds, or is there something about me that doesn't want to make them settle down? Anyway, I'm not even bothering myself much again, so long as 'pepper' dey drop, I am okay. ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *" ** ** I just received a text message from my friend Rhoda, guess what? She is getting married next...
Showing posts from November, 2019
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THE OTHER WOMAN.... A Story by E PLUS the Storyteller. (1) I checked my purse again, counted the money in it and it was still short. Hmmm..I was quite indecisive, what was I to do? I pondered. The thought of going back to the office to even borrow some money, was more tedious than the reality, itself. So, I called Felix, yes Felix! Felix and I, had a 'cool' relationship, call it a relationship of convenience, you might be right, afterall, we were benefiting from each other, abi? "Hello, Felix, where are you?" I asked. It took quite a while before he responded. "Sharon, please let me call you back." He said and ended the call. Believe me when I say, I understood what happened! You see, as the other woman, I get to endure a lot! Like.....a lot of rubbish! Few minutes later, Felix called me and asked that we meet at the usual joint. Well, I had no other option. Immediately, I arrived, I spotted him, seated at the usual corner and I joined ...
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* The Sunday Chronicle * * Every Sunday on E PLUS the Storyteller Blog * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** The Stranger....(A Story by E PLUS the Storyteller)- Part 3 Christiana ushered me to the washing section of her Salon and washed my hair thoroughly. Then she proceeded to the special hair treatment she had talked to me about. All through the process, it was such an experience out of the usual. I could tell that her professionalism in the hair business was quite profound. "Now, you can look at yourself." Christiana said as she turned me to the mirror. Immediately, I saw my hair, I was speechless. I just smiled and felt the texture of my hair, enjoying every moment. "Thank you so much!" I said, eventually. "No.. it's nothing." Christiana replied. "So, do you mind putting up in the new site we just moved into? I'm sure you are having it rough with accommodation, right?" Chris...
The True Life Story of an amazing Brand! Everybody is talking about it.
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The true life Story of an amazing Brand! Everybody is talking about it! If anyone had told Foluke and Chidara that their problem will be a thing of the past, they would have just laughed it off, considering the years of anguish and restlessness thier predicament had caused them! The two ladies have so much in common, especially in thier quest for solutions to thier plight, however they had no idea how that was going to happen, until one lovely day, when a neighbour, Tokunbo, invited them for her birthday party, respectively. At the time when everyone was eating, Chidara held on to her cheek after she ate a piece of Chicken, almost immediately, Foluke, held on to her stomach whilst she tried hiding the pain she felt. At first Tokunbo thought it was the food she had served, then she realised, other guest were fine. So she decided to enquire from both ladies, what the matter was. "Are you okay?" Tokunb...
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It's another interesting edition of: MEET THE GUEST..hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller. Doris Adieme is a financial expert and a reputable accountant who knows her 'onion' quite well. Find out all the information you need to know about the Saving Culture as it relates to recent economic recession. E PLUS The Storyteller: Doris Adieme, welcome to the exclusive chat interview platform tagged: MEET THE GUEST..hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller. Doris Adieme: Thanks, Eplus. E PLUS The Storyteller: It appears there seem to be so much complaints about the cost of living these days? Doris Adieme: Yes that is true, everything is on the rise, even the aboki rendering service of a shoe cobbler on the streets of lagos, to the tomatoes seller in the market. Everyone is complaining, the economy isn't smiling either.. E PLUS The Storyteller: what do we blame this development, on? Doris Adieme: Inflationary trend in the economy. A situation where the prices of c...
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IT'S HERE AGAIN! At the point where I thought I had exhausted all options, just to get a conducive, sane and workable environment for my venture, my neighbour introduced me to this awesome Brand- COWORKSTYLE! Now, imagine a place, you can work comfortably, get access to uninterrupted digital network, healthy meals, business loans, access to service providers and lots more- in fact, simply put: A place where helping business grow by Creating flexibility for work and lifestyle, is the watch word! You don't have to keep imagining, you can actually experience it. COWORKSTYLE presents: CIRCLE OF LEGENDS. Theme Using Social Media for Productive Gain. An evening of Networking, Talks, Games(Prizes to be won.), Bites and Drinks, good Music. Date: Friday 15th, November 2019. Time: 6pm-9pm Venue:15th, Ihuntayi road, of...
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On this edition of MEET THE GUEST..hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller... Ufuoma Adegor is our guest and her story is quite inspiring. The young and talented lady tells us all about the make-up and Fashion industry..Read on. E PLUS The Storyteller: Miss Ufuoma.. welcome to E PLUS the Storyteller Blog Ufoma Adegor: Thank you E PLUS The Storyteller: Will you agree with me that the fashion trend in Nigeria, is really booming? Ufoma Adegor: Yes it is. Looking back at where we’re coming from the fashion trend has taken a new turn. E PLUS The Storyteller: How would you describe the current trends in comparison with the previous ones? Ufoma Adegor: In my word I’ll say we are bringing the old trend back. E PLUS The Storyteller: Interesting. People say looking good is an act, others say it's an art? Where do you draw the line? Ufoma Adegor: People call dressing almost nude, an art but a person can dress chic and still represent the two co...
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* The Sunday Chronicle * * Every Sunday on E PLUS the Storyteller Blog * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** The Stranger....(A Story by E PLUS the Storyteller)- Part 2. My attention was drawn to the Surname, Preye Tarebi. That meant only one thing-Me and Christiana are actually related. I took sometime to adjust to the reality, as I smiled. "So, I will be expecting you at my Salon." Christiana said as she walked away. The 'Ozimbi' Festival went well that day, and I arrived at the Motor Park soon enough- the regular place where I usually lay my head before I continue the next day's hustle. Anyway, it was already day break, so as usual I branched at Mama Onome's joint for my roasted Fish, plantain and pepper sauce. Immediately I finished my meal, I decided to rest for a while, then I remembered the conversation I had with Christiana. I really thought it was a good time to see her at the Sa...
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Creativity is in the eye of the beholder, and this is exactly, the narrative of Eseosa Marian Eriakha, C. E.O of Diamond Creative Consult. The multifaceted business entrepreneur is fast cutting a niche in the Creative Accessory Industry. Find out more about her story as she shares the details with E PLUS the Storyteller, on this Edition of MEET THE GUEST. E PLUS The Storyteller: Eseosa Marian Eriakha, C.E.O of Diamond Creative Consult, Good to have you on this edition of MEET THE GUEST..hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller. Eseosa Marian Eriakha : Yes😍 thanks so much E PLUS The Storyteller: You are one woman who is Creating such a buzz in the Creative Accessory industry, what's your inspiration? Eseosa Marian Eriakha : My inspiration is first, God-given, and then my environment per time. E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmm.. interesting. Can you tell us more? How did this Creativity start? Eseosa Marian Eriakha : Yes, Go...