October 21, 2019 brought about a completely different experience from what I’ve been used to all my life, regarding elections into political positions. I went by my son’s school to pick him up and saw people drive into the parking lot, and walked casually to cast their vote inside the school building without any fuss nor any extra attention paid to being keeping everyone (especially the kids), safe and secure; this was on a school day! It was truly satisfying to experience this, albeit passively, and I really look forward to partaking in a more active manner in the near future.
Since it appears that the laws on immigration would likely be favorable for another four years, I had joined others of like interest and preference, to rejoice about the re-election of Justin Trudeau, who incidentally, happens to be a distant Uncle (by compulsory association), Savior and Messiah to many of my countrymen (if you know, you know). I was in the middle of basking in prospects of coming across many more brown-skin ladies and gentlemen, with undisputable resilience and passion for excellence, when Kenny of @2404 foods called me out to provide an explanation regarding the minority status of the winning party and how that would play out.
This is what ultimately inspired this post; enjoy…
Canada, like the United Kingdom (our big Aunt), has a parliamentary system of government operating as a constitutional monarchy, which means that we recognize the Queen or King (in this case, the Queen), as the Head of State, while the Prime Minister, our very own Justin Trudeau, as the Head of Government. As typical of parliamentary systems of governments, the party with the overall majority votes, appoints the person who leads the entire government; the Prime Minister. However, like any other democracy, there are three arms: legislative; executive; and judiciary, that must work together to run the government. Hence, appointing a Prime Minister is only one-third of the significant task of running a country.
The Canada legislative arm comprises of appointed members of the Senate, and elected members of the House of Commons, which has the former playing more of a ceremonial role and the latter playing the more active role regarding lawmaking in the country. This therefore places the focus of this post on the House of Commons.
The House of Commons comprises of 338 elected Members of Parliament (MP) that are elected from, and represent all the registered political parties from different regions in Canada. The political party that has more representation in the House of Commons, is said to have the majority government, irrespective of whether the Prime Minister currently running the country is from that political party.
The picture is becoming more vivid, right?
In other words, it’s possible to have won the country’s election by winning majority votes overall, but still hold a minority government by virtue of not having more seats in the House of Commons. This could potentially lead to missing out on taking active part in the process of making all the important laws, by which the country will be governed.
This brings me to the crux of this post…
Kenny had constructively opined that my last post might have come across to many, as being too legalese and because my goal is for the concept of the law to be more easily relatable to everyone by creating a beautifully-seamless fusion between law and a global phenomenon: food,  I’m going to describe the status of winning party holding minority government with one of the most phenomenal dishes of all time:
Fried Rice…
A pot of fried rice is mainly made up of the star ingredient: the Rice. This goes without saying, as the name of the dish already gives away what the star ingredient is…
Other ingredients like: Liver, Shrimp, Carrots, Peas, Runner beans, Sweet corn, Onions, Pepper, Curry powder, Dried thyme, Butter or Margarine, Seasoning cubes, Salt, etc., form the back up supporters. Only a unified collaboration of the star and the back upingredients, guarantees a melodious rhythm of the paddle, as it rotates in rhythmic patterns from the mixing exercise inside the pot... Ultimately leading to the glorious plating of a complete fried rice meal!
Now, even though the limelight is on the rice, it cannot proudly boast of attaining that ‘complete’ status without the support and backing of the other equally important ingredients. If these ingredients do not support the administration of the rice, we will inevitably arrive at other unintended variants of the meal like: Rice and Peas; Rice and Liver stir-fry; or Curry Rice; therefore, completely disrupting the flow of events and preventing the true intention of the chef, from seeing the light of day.
A simple application of the above analogy is shown below:
If x + y=z.  With ‘x’ being Prime Minister and ‘y’ being Majority Members of Parliament, find ‘z’.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau (Star Ingredient) + Majority Members of Parliament (Back-up) = z.
Therefore, ‘z’ = Smooth running of government!

May our Prime Minister be equipped with the wisdom required to be aligned with the opposition, in order to accomplish his sincere intentions for his countrymen. Can I get an ‘Amen’?

   @thatfoodielawyer takes your taste bud on a ride with her Asun recipe(spicy barbecued goat meat), with a twist. Click the link below, for more as you watch the video


Who am I?

I am that soulful, deep spirited and genuine hearted being, who  pays true attention and devotion to her cause...

I am that passionate, compassionate and relatable being, whose love and loyalty is to a fault...

I am that cry baby who feels the joy and excitement, as much as she feels the hurt and disappointment, at the very core of her soul. yet, still rises above the pain and gives even more love...

I am that fierce being, whose body and spirit have experienced the most excruciating pain, and only desires to give all it makes for no one else to have to go through same...

I am that fun girl who refuses to age and, would dance her heart out to whatever kind of music that plays...

I am that motherly friend, who's endeared more towards young people because her childhood filled with too much silence...

I am hungry being, who yearns endlessly, for finding self and fulfilling purpose, in order to spread love and hope across humanity...

I am that lawyer, who constantly questions how she's imparting the world with the most prestigious profession of all time...

I am that foodie, who loves to eat food; cook food; buy food; share/give food; try food, and do everything in-between...

I am That Foodie Lawyer... am that soulful, deep spirited and genuine hearted being, who  pays true attention and devotion to her cause...

I am that passionate, compassionate and relatable being, whose love and loyalty is to a fault...

I am that cry baby who feels the joy and excitement, as much as she feels the hurt and disappointment, at the very core of her soul. yet, still rises above the pain and gives even more love...

I am that fierce being, whose body and spirit have experienced the most excruciating pain, and only desires to give all it takes for no one else to have to go through same...

I am that fun girl who refuses to age and would dance her heart out to whatever kind of music that plays...

I am that motherly friend, who's endeared more towards young people because her childhood filled with too much silence...

I am hungry being, who yearns endlessly, for finding self and fulfilling purpose, in order to spread love and hope across humanity...

I am that lawyer, who constantly questions how she's imparting the world with the most prestigious profession of all time...

I am that foodie, who loves to eat food; cook food; buy food; share/give food; try food, and do everything in-between...

I am That Foodie Lawyer...


  1. fried rice �� i totally get you

  2. Beautiful piece sis. But I must say my Nigerian president needs this. The rice is not even present yet in that country . For a country like Canada, there is 90% assurance they will get it right.

  3. Beautiful piece sis. But I must say my Nigerian president needs this. The rice is not even present yet in that country . For a country like Canada, there is 90% assurance they will get it right.


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