No doubt, Nnennia Ifepe's combination of beauty and brain speak volumes of her tenacity and diligence, even as a sound lawyer, who knows her onion. On this edition of MEET THE GUEST..hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller, the eloquent lady shares her thought on the current Lock Down and lessons learnt, as she also gives helpful advise on how to manage the situation. You don't want to miss this! E PLUS The Storyteller: Welcome to E PLUS The Storyteller exclusive chat interview segment.. Thanks for being our guest, Nnennia Ifepe.. Nnennia Ifepe': Thank you for this wonderful opportunity. E PLUS The Storyteller: We are simply glad to have you. Nnennia Ifepe: The pleasure is mine. E PLUS The Storyteller: So, it's been such a long Lock Down period, what has this translated to, for you? Nnennia Ifepe: It has been a learning period for me. I have learnt to appreciate the things that we term little, as human beings. Nnennia Ifepe. E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmm....