THE POOR BOY and THE KING... A story by E PLUS the Storyteller . One day... The king fell very ill and he called for his herbalist After all enquiries There was still, no solution. Then the people of the village panicked! but there was a poor boy who lived down the street He heard of the king's illness and decided to visit the king at the palace.. The guards saw him and were outraged. "What are you doing here, you wretched fellow?" They interrogated. "I come in peace, I am just concerned about the king's health, everyone is talking about it. Only if....." "Shut up! How dare you walk in here and begin to talk! Don't you have courtesy?" The Chief guard shouted at the poor boy. "...only if...." "I say shut up! Are you deaf?" The Chief guard interrupted the poor boy as he tried to talk. "Guards! Let's bu...