UNRAVELING THE MYSTERY BEHIND MAJORITY, BECOMING MINORITY. October 21, 2019 brought about a completely different experience from what I’ve been used to all my life, regarding elections into political positions. I went by my son’s school to pick him up and saw people drive into the parking lot, and walked casually to cast their vote inside the school building without any fuss nor any extra attention paid to being keeping everyone (especially the kids), safe and secure; this was on a school day! It was truly satisfying to experience this, albeit passively, and I really look forward to partaking in a more active manner in the near future. Since it appears that the laws on immigration would likely be favorable for another four years, I had joined others of like interest and preference, to rejoice about the re-ele...
Showing posts from October, 2019
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* The Sunday Chronicle * * Every Sunday on E PLUS the Storyteller Blog * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** ** _The Stranger....(A Story by E PLUS the Storyteller)_ That day, something told me not to leave, but I was so much in a hurry. Well it wasn't my fault, man must hustle nau!! She had been very kind to me but I was tired! Yes! This wasn't the kind of life I was used to, na wetin sef? I was disvirgined and abused by age 6, then it continued until I was 18, eventually I ran away from home. Nobody believed what I was going through in the hands of demons such as my uncles, neighbours, cousins and even so-called friends, it was just like I had been cursed; everyone wanted to sleep with me.. sha!! Pretty on the outside, used up on the inside, my world had been crushed. I had managed to become street wise and learnt how to plait hair from this lady I met in a very strange w...
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On this edition of MEET THE GUEST..hosted by E PLUS the Storyteller... Ufuoma Adegor is our guest and her story is quite inspiring. The young and talented lady tells us all about the make-up and Fashion industry..Read on. E PLUS The Storyteller: Miss Ufuoma.. welcome to E PLUS the Storyteller Blog Ufoma Adegor: Thank you E PLUS The Storyteller: Will you agree with me that the fashion trend in Nigeria, is really booming? Ufoma Adegor: Yes it is. Looking back at where we’re coming from the fashion trend has taken a new turn. E PLUS The Storyteller: How would you describe the current trends in comparison with the previous ones? Ufoma Adegor: In my word I’ll say we are bringing the old trend back. E PLUS The Storyteller: Interesting. People say looking good is an act, others say it's an art? Where do you draw the line? Ufoma Adegor: People call dressing almost nude, an art but a person can dress chic and still represent the two con...
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WHAT’S YOUR SUPER POWER? FOOD-LAW-MANIA So, my vibe in the recent weeks have been more like the roller-coaster experience, that I vehemently refused to take part in, last summer (I managed to get on the Guardian and Spinovator just to get my Canada Wonderland experience on some form of record, but I doubt that I’m ever going back!). It took the nudging of @eplusthestoryteller to force me to take a break from my study notes (which I’m likely to regret later tonight) and put up a post. I started typing, and realized how much I’ve actually missed writing and I apologize for having kept you all hanging. Let’s get to it... I’m obliged to declare a 2009 event in an Australian bar, as setting a precedent in the weirdest way ever! The adventurous showcase by 31-year-old West Australian barmaid, De Faveri, who displayed her “super powers” to patrons who visited a bar where she worked, by crushing bee...
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It's a New Dawn...A Story by E PLUS the Storyteller Just lying here, in the Hospital, has become a reality check for me, and like a rose, blown away with the wind, my virtue and self worth is all gone! I have become an epitome of 'See Finish' syndrome. Little wonder no one is taking me, seriously again. Hmmm.. nothing wey person no go see o! And to think that this was the same guy who had professed 'undying love' for me! Ah! Na wa! I remember when we first met at Fadeke's Birthday Party, he could hardly take his eyes off me, no be small thing o! I tried to avoid him but this guy was on my case. Well I kind of liked him sha, but I needed to do small Shakara. Few months later, he finally caught my heart..this guy pulled one of the greatest surprise, ever. He came to my office with one of the biggest cakes I have ever seen, then asked me out! How he got to know that I am a lover of cake, I had no idea. We began to see each other and before lo...