Aiyekusehin Monisola, Founder of Beth-arbel, a non-governmental organisation,, tells us all about her encounter in an abusive marriage and how she was able to take her freedom in her own hands. On this special edition of MEET THE GUEST with E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ, we also look at the impact of Domestic Violence on a child.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Welcome to this special edition of Meet The Guest with E PLUS The Storytellerโ๐ฟGood to have your presence here.
Aiyekusehin Monisola: Thanks. I Am Glad to be here
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Awesome
So how is life, generally?
Aiyekusehin Monisola ; Life Has been good, as long as you have GOD.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Great! You have such an inspiring story, coming out from an abusive marriage with your life intact. Not very many victims can be said to have been so fortunate. Can you tell us more?
Aiyekusehin Monisola: ๐
My strongest strength actually has been the fact that I know God and hold on to his faithfulness.
I got married 12 years ago and the abuse started that very month I got married but I endured for 10years for numerous reasons.
Reasons like what society would say, what the church would say and fear of the unknown, but in 2020 I became so depressed and suicidal that I was ready to face what ever comes.
I began to search for anwsers and I stumbled on NPD (Narcissistic personality disorder.
I studied so much on narcissism and understood the only way to live was to leave. If I must live for my kids, live for my self and sanity, live for the future,
I had to leave. I armed myself with knowledge and
trusted God, damned religion and society and walked away. After living I built a strong support system of friends and families. I cut off every negative energy, I blocked off every unnecessary relationship and here I am today solely responsible for my five kids. I am a woman God has helped.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Hmmm..Brave, I must say... really brave๐๐พ๐๐พ๐๐พ
Were there moments you felt like you should have tried more?
Aiyekusehin Monisola : Oh, yes! There were times I felt I would have stretched more and endured, but my life and the future of my kids is too important. I couldn't stand raising my Jewels in a toxic environment, the toxicity was already showing on them.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Hmmm...and that brings me to the next question, to what extent can an abusive marriage negatively impact on a child?
Aiyekusehin Monisola :Abuse has so many negative effects on the child, personally I can spot a child from an abusive home from a distance.
You notice fear,
low self esteem.
The child becomes unusually aggressive,
the child bed wets,
they lose concentration, and the list Is endless.
An intelligent child suddenly becomes withdrawn.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Indeed that's a lot for a child to handle. So, are there really signs to look out for in a potentially abusive partner?Is it ever obvious?
Aiyekusehin Monisola:
Yes it is, though I was blind to it initially. Domineering, they cut you off family and friends, treat their partner without value, don't want their partner to be seen or known, aggressive
threatened by thier patner's success, most times want to control their patners finances. Don't want them to make any progress career-wise or financially,Violent physically, disregards patner's family, treats partner like a slave, the list is endless.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Hmmm.. interestingly, you've turned lemons into lemonades, taking a step to launch out an NGO that addresses this menace...can you please enlighten us, more.
Aiyekusehin Monisola: I discovered purpose in pain.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Hmmmm...
Aiyekusehin Monisola: I got to realise that there are alot of women going through this but can't help themselves, so through my NGO, Betharbel foundation, a non profit organisation, creating a bright future for the African woman and child, I started a speak up campaign where women and children are opportuned to bear their minds on their struggles and challenges.
I also help victims by linking them to support groups where they can get counsels, support and help.
We also do a lot of other sensitisation and advocacy programs to help different categories of people, with special focus on women and children.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Awesome๐๐พ๐๐พ๐๐พ
Who will you say has been your support system thus far?
Aiyekusehin Monisola:
My Mum has been my greatest support,
my family and friends are not left out.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: So glad to know that your story can bring the much needed hope for lives out there๐๐ป
Aiyekusehin Monisola: Thanks sis
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: What would you say is your philosophy of life?
Aiyekusehin Monisola: From time it has been 'Leaving others better than I met them', however recently I added that the broken become masters at mending.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Hmmm, Splendid!!!
And how are the children faring now?
Aiyekusehin Monisola: They are doing very well.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Great๐๐พ
Who can reach your NGO
and how can you be reached?
Aiyekusehin Monisola: The NGO is assesible to everyone, particularly women and girls, we can be reached on
and we would respond.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: Thank you so much for availing us your time, and we wish you greater success ahead.
Aiyekusehi Monisola: Thanks for the privilege to feature on your show.
E PLUS The Storyteller โ๐ฟ: It's My pleasure anyday๐๐๐ป
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