Written by E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏿

The lady walked into the Hall way, with one of the most charming smile Linda had ever seen, and almost immediately they seemed like they connected, or so did Linda assume.

    "How may I help you ma?" Linda enquired, reciprocating the lady's gesture with a very warm smile.

"Can I see your manager?" The lady responded

Quite curiously, Linda sought to know if there was any issue to be resolved.

"You can actually talk to me if you need to resolve anything." Linda persisted.

"Thanks, but I need to see your manager, it's urgent." The lady insisted.

"Nothing that I can't handle, ma'am. Just let me know what the situation is." Linda reiterated. Then, the lady snapped and screamed...


At that moment, the rest of the staff and other clients in the Hall Way turned towards their direction, wondering the cause of the Lady's reaction; to say the least Linda was quite taken aback and she almost lost it; however she decided to leverage on the moment, and then responded with a warmer smile...

   "Wow! To think that I was just admiring your posture a while ago, not only do you have charisma but also a very emphatic way of  insisting on what you want, I must commend you for your undauntednes. Come along with me ma, and  let me take you to the Manager." Linda said.

Few minutes later, The lady was done talking with the manager, she walked up to Linda and slipped her complimentary card underneath her desk, with a note attached to it, which read:

"Let me know when you can come take my staff on CUSTOMER RELATIONS. You're really good,m at what your job, I must say!"

  And that was just the beginning of many more of such invitations after that day. 🙂


Approach is a key component in CUSTOMER RELATIONS which also, is an intergral part of BRAND STORYTELLING.

   Every of your action speaks volumes of your professionalism and capability. So when next, you want to react to any situation, think of the impression that it might have on your prospects or client. CREATIVITY IS KEY IN LEVERAGING ON ANY SITUATION, MAXIMISE IT!👍

   For your Content Creation, Brand Storytelling, Social Media Management, Voiceover Jingle Production and Original Songs written for your Brand Jingle, Call/WhatsApp @E PLUS The Storyteller on 07081536821.

Remember, inspiration is the Bedrock of Creativity, you can always explore yours 👍🏼


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