Enitan Pearl gives more insight on the discourse tagged: PARENTING AND THE CHILD'S UPBRINGING.. On this Edition of Meet The Guest with E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ

 E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: Welcome to the exclusive segment of MEET THE GUEST with E PLUS The Storyteller๐Ÿ–‹๏ธ

 Enitan Pearl: Thanks a lot for having me here.

E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ How would you define or describe the family? In general terms.

 Enitan Pearl: Family is a unit of people that live together not necessarily sharing the same noms and ideas but learning to accommodate each one daily.

E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: Cool! Do you think there's enough family essence carried into the society? Like do you see that family commitment play out in the society, today?

Enitan Pearl: Yes

E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: So it's safe to say that parents are teaching their children/Wards enough family values, in general?

Enitan Pearl: Not necessarily good family values to an extent but yes enough that goes into the world. As we all know most children learn from what they see, therefore 'copy and paste'continues almost throughout a life time even when they grow and realize some of what theyโ€™ve grown to know and those that might be wrong.


E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: So, how can we balance the somewhat 'anomalies' that seem to be trending in the behavioural pattern of children and youths these days, especially as it appears like we still get excuses to allow them be, and just 'go with the flow', in the name of: IF YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM, THEN JOIN THEM?

Enitan Pearl: How are you getting your children ready for the world?

 Emotional intelligence.

Let's be more emotionally involved in our children's lives. Have conversations with them after a crying or tantrum phase๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚don't just say "stop crying now, what?"๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„

Do alot of activities to bond with your children.

Please handle situations regarding children with calmness instead of yelling and bringing down๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ.


 Social Intelligence -: Please allow children to relate with people and they should also be allowed to express themselves.

 Social Intelligence help to build great social skills in children to help them relate with the world and be street wise. Parents should allow their children play out door, so they can learn and figure out things on their own.

Parents should allow and also teach their children to clean up their mess rather than always doing it for them.

Executive function skills -; it helps a child think ahead, organize,plan and carry out simple age appropriate tasks.

Self regulation skills -: Its  a skill that helps to know if a child can hold back. 

Teach self control.

 Parents should try to limit screen time for their children.

E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: Awesome๐Ÿ™Œ These are very laudable recommendations and quite profound, do you see any odds?

Enitan Pearl: Yes, There would be odds.

 E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: Hmmm

And do you think, one can ever get prepared for these odds, considering that our everyday reality tags along with its demands in all dimensions: Socially and Psychologically, that is?

Enitan Pearl: Sincerely, I don't think one can prepare fully, to get rid of the odds, it's just that we will have to prepare our children to know that:

1. There's only one race, regardless of our religion, regardless of our ethnicity, our skin colour; and that race is called the human race! The moment our children learn that, and learn that people are born with flaws, people were born differently that they are, and people will react differently than they would, I think we would have achieved a level of peace and understanding in the world. Conflicts will reduce a bit, this Narrative of: 'I'm better of' or the attitude of making other people  feel inferior will no longer be there because you just accept people for who they are, love them regardless, cherish them regardless.

 E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: Great! In all of the parenting narrative, what's the most neglected? Any, that you've observed?

Enitan Pearl: Thank you sis, for asking this question. I actually penned down some things this morning, Personally, I think these are things I lacked as a child. You know, so many parents don't know how to show affection, so many parents don't give attention, so many parents don't know how to care, neither do they know how to love their children. I lacked all these things growing up and people that know my story to an extent always wonder how I have come to learn to give these things, to show these things to people, regardless and effortlessly. With these our jet age and gadjets owned by people- you are holding your phone and your child is trying to talk to you and you are just into that phone while you are like responding: 

Ehn ehn! Just put it there!

You're not even paying attention to what the child is doing. What kind of adult will that child end up being?๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ Most parents are physically not there; they are there and not there. Like I always correct my husband: They want to play with you, can you just drop your phone for like a second and be there for them?

E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: Spot on. Hopefully, parents and Guardians can correct these hitches and we can begin to see a new perspective to parenting. Any counsel for parents/Guardians who consider themselves failures already, with regards to the home front?

Enitan Pearl: We should never be afraid to accept that we have failed, also I learn everyday, sometimes I even learn from my children. I am someone that when I get to a place and I'm abit confused or I feel the next action I'm about to take on a situation with my children might not be so good, I have someone I call and that's my children's proprietress; she is an amazing person.Infact, she tells me that she still takes courses on parenting till now so I will just call her:

School mummy, please what should I do because I'm about to lose it!

And she will calm me down, talk to me... We should always accept when we are failing, when we don't understand what to do, we should never be afraid to ask for help or seek counsel from other people. We should learn to express ourselves to our children, if we are sad, let them know that we are sad, let them learn what it means to sympathise with people, to have empathy, it's not bad. If we need to cry in front of them, please do, don't hide yourself, don't hide your feelings from them, let them learn all the feelings there is to learn. There was something that came to my mind this morning- I have never heard it before. Just as I was about to have my bath (I will read it out, because I wrote it down) and it reads thus: Don't force God on them, let them see how much you love God, and they will take it up from there...

I have come to realize that religion was forced on some of us, so you can imagine people growing up without ear piercing that want to pierce their ear later. Fine, the fact that you (as my parents) said that you were not going to be wearing earrings, does it stop you from piercing my ears?I might want to wear earrings๐Ÿคท๐Ÿฝโ€โ™€๏ธ

That word just came to my mind this morning, that we should not force God on them, let them see how much we love God, let them see how much we trust God even when things are rough, and they will take it up from there! Thank you.

E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: Hmmmm.. absolutely๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ

Don't force God on them, let them see how much you love God. Very insightful, indeed.

E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: Can we get a little insight into Enitan's world?๐Ÿ˜ƒWhat's a typical day for you?๐Ÿ™‚

Enitan Pearl: Typical day for Enitan... Well I wake up like em....well I don't set alarms, so my body clock  is used to like 4.30ish, even though I work from home, I do my own business so I'm up early, say my prayers, and get the kids up by 6.0' clock, or quarter past 6, get them ready for the school bus to come pick them up. After that, when the children leave for school, depending on my body I might go back to bed, just sleep for a while, get up, start my day, take a bath, brush my teeth, do some cleaning up, put up pictures to clients that want to buy stuff, I sell fairly used clothes for male and female, children, adults. I send out orders, I also do fresh juice, so sometimes if I have juice orders, I juice. Aside that, I use to read alot, I don't know what happened but I think I will pick it up again. I'm not really a TV person but I like mysteries so I do a lot of discovery IDs, I like nature. That's basically me! Then I wait for my children to return from School. I think that's basically Enitan, half the time๐Ÿ˜ƒ

E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: Trust me, it's been an insightful time on this edition of MEET THE GUEST with E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ

How can you be reached.

Enitan Pearl: Oluwatoyinkan@gmail.com



 E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: Thanks for your time.

Enitan Pearl: You are welcome Thanks for having me.

 E PLUS The Storyteller โœ๐Ÿฟ: My pleasure๐Ÿ™


       And that's the edition of MEET THE GUEST with E PLUS The Storyteller, for this week! Sure you've been inspired and motivated by our guest, Enitan Pearl. Remember, you can also share๐Ÿ‘ 

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