Aaron Ukodie on Meet The Guest with E PLUS The Storyteller.

Apart from his pedigree in journalism, he is also highly rated in the world of Information and Communications Technology. The  C.E.O/Publisher at  eworld/Ajomedia Limited, Aaron Ukodie is certainly one man who knows his Onion. On this episode of MEET The Guest with E PLUS The Storyteller, The seasoned journalist tells us more about his journey, and the recent launch of the book he co-authored.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Welcome to E PLUS The Storyteller exclusive Session tagged: MEET THE GUEST with E PLUS The Storyteller. We are glad to have your presence on this exclusive segment.

Aaron Ukodie: Hello Ejiro, glad to be with you.

E PLUS The Storyteller: The name, Aaron Ukodie is a name, and a force to reckon with in the Writing, and  journalism industry. What's that niche you have cut out for yourself that is easily relatable?

Aaron Ukodie: I have put in about 35 years in ICT journalist as pioneer in that area of Journalism in Nigeria, starting from the Guardian in 1985. Over the years I have also added book writing and I have about five books to my name.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Awesome.
What has been the driving force for you?

Aaron Ukodie: My driving force is the need to get information out there for people to know and have, which they could also use to chart their life, engagement and business.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmmm..spot on👍 At what point did you really begin to enjoy journalism? And for you, is it more of a passion than a career?

Aaron Ukodie: Both passion and career. As a journalist I could have access to many important people in government,  society and economy, and it also provided opportunity for travels to various parts of the world, attending international conferences and exhibitions. It's exciting being involved in all of these.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Interesting. Congratulations on the launch of the latest book you co-authored: *The Making of The Nigerian Flagship: The Story of the Guardian* Did you ever envisage that this project would fly? What was your confidence level embarking on this project? And how can you describe the experience during the launch of  the book?

Aaron Ukodie: The first sign that I got to know that the book would fly was when most of my Seniors and Colleagues at the Guardian agreed to support the process of writing, and contribute content to, the book. The presence of Nigeria's Vice President who presented a keynote address at the book launch was one of the high points of the book launch.  The presence of many top media  practitioners and the interactions that took place presented a warm and unforgettable experience.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Amazing!  In one of your interviews, you described the Guardian Room as an 'Interesting' Room, can you give more insights to that narrative?

Aaron Ukodie: The Guardian Newsroom was an interesting one in our days, perhaps it still is today. In our days it was a beehive of Journalism activity where the reporters jostled to feature on the front page of The Guardian Newspaper. Our joy was to be the writer of the lead story, which often was  exclusive, a story that no other newspaper had published.  We woke every day then, looking forward to go to the Guardian newsroom to be with fellow reporters and give the news editor joy of providing the lead story.

E PLUS The Storyteller:  Hmmm, interesting indeed. The book,
The Making of The Nigerian Flagship: The Story of the Guardian* covers the ten years duration you spent at Guardian,  did it look like time flew

Aaron Ukodie: It's fleeting to know that the first10 years, which the book covered, six of which I was part of,  have passed, but that one has spent 36 years in journalism, it looks like 36 days. Time flies, and the years that have gone can only be recreated in book forms, as we tried to do in the book. We can only look forward to the future and hope the years ahead provide much greater joy and accomplishment.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Absolutely👍
You've  also mentioned the commitment with which journalist approached the art of storytelling during your years spent at The Guardian, can you say same, now?

Aaron Ukodie: Unfortunately, no. I can't really say journalists of today approach the job with the same passion with which we did the job in the 80s and 90s. In the first place the motivation today is different from what drove us. We loved to source for stories,  write and get them published. Nothing else mattered, besides money wasn't our urge then. Today socio-economic factors and the brazen pursuit of wealth and material acquisition, today's dominant crave, have affected journalism practice.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Wow!
Thanks for the candid review. What would be the highlights of this iconic book: *The Making of The Nigerian Flagship: The Story of the Guardian* and details on how to get it?

Aaron Ukodie: The highlight of the book is the section that contains the reflections and reminiscences of over 40 top journalists, some of the literary giants that Nigeria has, who were at the Guardian. You would read of such literary icons such as Prof Femi Osofisan, Ben Tomoloju, Professor Onwuchekwa Jemie, Dr Patrick Dele Cole, Ladi Bonuola ( Ladbone), etc. The other section that deals with samples of the stories, opinion and feature articles written and published in our time is also remarkable, they provide a window into the best of our time and speak to the type of Journalism that took place then. You read about the experiences of journalists in 80s and 90s in the book.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Splendid, indeed this is the book of the millennium and I'm quite positive that this book will serve as a source of great inspiration for generations to come.

Any word of motivation?

Aaron Ukodie: The book was partly written to serve as a tool for mass communication, and journalism students. To help learn how the best of journalism practice was achieved sometimes  in this country. Budding entrepreneurs could also find it useful in learning tips for successful entrepreneurship.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Absolutely profound.  It's been such an insightful Interview, and we are indeed grateful for your time. Hopefully, we get to bring you back again as you continue to excel in all your endeavours.

Aaron Ukodie: Thanks for talking with me.


       To purchase a copy of The Making of The Nigerian Flagship: The Story of the Guardian



Or call 08099400194 or send request to ronukodie@yahoo.com order for hard copy.


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