CONTENT and CONTEXT.. A Piece by E PLUS The Storyteller.

 So you are restless and having sleepless nights because of that story, those ideas that keeps flashing through your mind, and just like pregnancy, they keep growing. However, you are worried about the delivery, and you ponder over the million dollar questions:

 How Do I tell My Story?

How do I share my ideas?

These questions are very valid, and until they are well addressed, your narrative outlook might end up being obscure, and just like a coin with many sides, every narrative must be anchored on or situated within a context, that is an angle,v a perspective, a dimension or background- NO ART EXIST in a vacuum. Every story has an origin, even though it's just a figment of the imagination!

The world is full of so many Storytellers, but not everyone is relating:

How Do You Bridge the Gap?

     First, originality is key! This fact cannot be negotiated if your content must stand out. Being original makes your work invaluable. Everyone has a well spring of ideas, and these ideas are quite unique to individuals, little wonder, I will simply say:

 Creativity idiosyncratic.

Creativity is innate, it stirs up, from within and when expressed, the ingenuity is undeniably reflective.

Don't be afraid to launch out your ideas. Next step, you need to bare in mind that, there are different audiences for different stories.
You might not win the entire crowd, but at least you can appeal to certain audiences: What counts, is being true to your passion.

Do not succumb to the pressure of joining the band waggon!

Be deliberate about your delivery, and this should be anchored on ingenuity and sincerity.

Quit the unhealthy competition!

Focus on the aim of your story, that is: Is it to inform, educate, enlighten, entertain, analyse, or simply to express yourself?

 Whatever your aim, the outcome of an open-minded narrative is usually very rewarding!

 Remember, inspiration is the bedrock of can explore yours today both in content and context.

  BY E PLUS The Storyteller.
(For your Creative Writing Skills, Visual Arts, Blogging and Storytelling Courses, Call or send a WhatsApp message to 07081536821.)



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