Written by E PLUS The Storyteller.
Have you noticed lately, how fussy and cranky you've become? And your reaction is like:

"Get out!" "Let me be!" "I'm tired!"

And after a while, you become sober, then the reality check sets in🤔
You  can't seem to pinpoint the problem or the cause of your irrational reactions ☹️

Seriously! Then you know It's time to slow down, and address that stress. The  First step is to admit that you are stressed: One of the greatest  wake up call is to realise the truth about a situation, thus it is expedient that we admit to what we might be going rough before we take steps to deal with them, and Stress is one of the issues.

Next- Take time out to indulge in what makes you easily relaxed, and less edgy. This works differently for everyone.

Some people relax when they eat, go to the beach, spend time reading thier favorite novels or watching film e.t.c 
So long it is not harmful or detrimental to your health, you are good to go👍

Identify what you can handle at a time.

Do not stretch your limits. One day at a time.

Delegate work especially if you have helping hands.

The little things of life are taken for granted, but they go a long way - learn to give. Giving, could  be in terms of imparting someone in diverse ways.

This will give you a sense of fulfillment in the course of aiming for that goal you have set up yourself.

Develop a positive mindset by seeing the good, even in a difficult situation, cause for all you know, it could have been worse. Everything happens for a reason. Look out for those take home lessons.

Harness your creative potentials by focusing more on those things that you are passionate about; Do you love to read, write, sing, dance? Learn more, and get better at it, everyday with new possibilities, you never know what you could make from just strengthening your passion.

Be receptive, develop an open mind and be accommodating enough to listen to ideas, no man is an island.

Most importantly, give God thanks in all that you do, before long there would be no room for Stress!

@E PLUS the storyteller.


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