It's weekend and Sade is short of ideas on what to cook for the Family🤔*
She has pepper, tomatoes, onion, fish, rice, oil, and some potatoes.

So let's be Creative!
Can you suggest what Sade can do with these ingredients?🤷🏾‍♀

Please use your creative prowess to explain the process.
This will be very interesting.

Let's use our Creativity to Savage her situation*👍

Sade can make a jollof rice garnished with potatoes using the available ingredients.           

Start by boiling the fish a little with salt and spice to taste. Remove it when it is half done, fry and set aside. Wash the  tomatoes, pepper and half onions properly. Blend into smooth paste and boil till excess water has dried up.   

Wash the rice properly with salt and warm water then soak with hot water for 5 mins. While its soaking, put a dry pot on the fire, add some oil and allow it to heat up. 

Slice the remaining onions and pour into the hot oil to fry. 

This will let out the flavour from the onion, then pour in the already boiled tomato and pepper paste.  Stir fry for about 5 mins. 

Add the salt and other available seasoning to taste and add water enough to cook the rice. Cover and let boil, then pour in your already soaked rice after draining the water and stir. Peel, wash and cut the potatoes into cubes. When the rice has cooked midway, add the potatoes and cover. Leave it on fire till it s well cooked.
              Written by HAFA

 Dear Sade, 
Rice, potato chips and peppered fish!
So yummy as it sounds, it’s tasty to the mouth!
Full of healthy carbs and protein; a meal to savour!
Wash your rice thrice in water to rid it of dust and excess starch then boil in water for 20 minutes, don’t forget to add salt, little oil and onion to taste; boil to your desirable tender texture. 
Crispy fried potatoes are savory! Peel your potatoes and cut longitudinally, marinate with little salt. To have the less taste of oil; deep fry at high temperature for a short time. Each portion of potatoes shouldn’t be fried for more than 4 minutes! 
Peppered fish can calm anger, dear Sade🤪
Blend pepper and tomatoes to a roughly smooth paste, add more pepper than tomatoes( it shouldn’t be too much) it have to be spicy to calm anger😂
Boil your blended pepper to rid it off excess water. Wash your fish and marinate with enough seasoning (you can put it the fridge or freezer for 3-5 minutes for the seasoning to marinate well).
Fill the pan with little oil (enough to perfectly mix with the pepper). Add your diced/sliced onions, allow the onions fry in the oil; savor the aroma! Add your pre boiled pepper into the oil now, allow to cook for 5 minutes. Add the fish delectably, cover fish with pepper, taste and add salt/ seasoning as desired. Cook on low heat for 10-15 minutes, occasionally stirring the pot by holding pot and gently shaking it. 
The tantalizing smell of the ambrosial rice, potatoes and peppered fish have filled everywhere now! 
Have a delicious experience!
               Written by iyawobabatunde.

The Story Behind the Novel "BEAUTY IN THE MIDST OF ASHES
Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune
(E PLUS The Storyteller.)

  She would stand before the class in the Primary School she attended; telling stories upon stories and the students were never  tired. Soon, her story telling earned her a place in everyone's heart and this has been the case till date.
  Also known as E PLUS The Storyteller, Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune is a Writer, an Author, a Storyteller, Creative Writing Coach, Youtuber and Singer.
  Apart from her two singles
"Yes To Your Will" and "Good Morning", she is the author of one of the best selling Novel on okadabooks, "Diamond and Stones."
She is a content provider with the company  named "E PLUS The Storyteller."
   E PLUS The Storyteller just published an eBook with the title
"BEAUTY IN THE MIDST OF ASHES." In this conversation with
"theadmin", She reveals more....

theadmin: You are welcome E PLUS The storyteller.

E PLUS: Thank you.

theadmin: Congratulations on your latest stride.

E PLUS: Thank you, I'm honoured.
theadmin: Looks like you are always cooking up something and before we even blink, it's already done.

E PLUS: (Laughs) Well, I would be lying if I say I don't love cooking, however I cook from all sides. If I'm not cooking in the kitchen, I'm cooking up stories with messages people can relate with.
  As a writer you are a cook as well.
Your ingredients are situations around you.

theadmin: Interesting! What a way to put it.  It's barely a year after your best selling Novel "Diamond and Stones " on
and now you have another one
How would you describe the experience thus far?

E PLUS: Well great! I give God all the Glory for strength and inspiration. I am blessed with awesome people; my Friend's and Family alike. These people form great support system for one to forge ahead.
  When I released my first eNovel
"Diamond and Stones." I really did not envisage the kind of Downloads I have currently (and still counting)
people just responded immediately they were aware of the Novel.
  The Feedback has been very amazing and that's been a lubricant for me to forge ahead.

theadmin: Great! So tell us about your latest eNovel:

E PLUS: Hmmm.."BEAUTY IN THE MIDST OF ASHES" is a story we can all relate with. A Story of survival in an extremely challenging society;
The story begins with the Home of the efetobors, a Family that depicts the reality of a striving home where almost everything is falling apart.
  This takes a toll on the future of Onome, the only daughter of the Efetobors. Onome's potential for greater heights is threatened.
Just when she decides to take a very compromising step, the unimaginable happens. We also see the ripple effect of a corrupt system in an entire society. How all these events play out eventually is unravelled as the plot unfolds.
"BEAUTY IN THE MIDST OF ASHES" encompasses the theme of Love, trials, injustice, determination, treachery and even more suspense.
  Everyone has a story to tell and this is one story you that connects that essence you read on.
You will see how God steps in the most unusual way when all hope seem lost. It's not your regular story.

theadmin: Wow! I Look forward to downloading my copy. Where can we get this thrilling eNovel?

E PLUS: "BEAUTY IN THE MIDST OF ASHES." is on okadabooks. Here is the link:
Just simply click on it and if you already have an okadabook account, you click on buy. Otherwise, if you don't have an okadabook account, simply sign up with a username and any password you choose, then once you verify your okadabook account, you can go ahead to buy the Novel.
You can also drop your comment when you are done reading.
theadmin: Thank you. Do you mind also dipping the link of your Blogs?

E PLUS: Okay. We have the Story Blog:
and the inspirational Blog:
theadmin: E PLUS The Storyteller, thank you for your time. I'm sure the readers and viewers look forward to more Novels from you.

E PLUS: And I Look forward to that too. Thanks for the warm reception.

theadmin: So, there you have it, E PLUS The Storyteller revealing all to about her latest Novel "BEAUTY IN THE MIDST OF ASHES."
  You can actually download your copy now. Just click

Enjoy your Read and remember to drop your comment when you are done. 

The eBook *Creative Writing: Skills and Blogging*by Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune, The Storyteller(E PLUS) is a guide to uniqueness of style, characterisation and plotting in Creative Writing.
  The Author, E PLUS, the Storyteller, analyses holistically the components of Creative Writing. 
   Further more, the author also highlights the integral and basic elements as it emphasizes the need for  appropriate applications.
 This eBook is suitable for all ages and highly recommended as a teaching guide.
  Also contained in this eBook is a free Short Story for everyone.
 Click here to get your copy!!!

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For more enquiries
call: 08178370944

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'BOLD AS A LION' On YouTube and Subscribe!
 AFFAIRS...send a mail to
  The Story Continues....
  You can buy this E-NOVEL 

Click and Download
The Novel written by Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune( The Story Teller)
This link takes you to the Novel 'DIAMOND and STONES'
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Click on this link..
To buy with your Bank card , Click here

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Winner of Ejirostoryblog Writing Competition for Schools!
Ebih Angel.
From Satellite Town Baptist Nursery and primary school.
Angel Ebih , 9 yrs old, primary 4, Flanked at the right by her Mother(Mrs Roseline Abigail) and by the left, her Teacher(Mrs Elizabeth Ayeni.)
In order to maintain her Innocence, we decided to present the unedited Story.
 by Ebih Angel.
 Once upon a time, there lived a girl names Angela. Her Mother trained her to work hard to achieve her goals. Her Father was poor and helpless. There was a competition was held in her school on _How to Read_. Angela took first position and a Scholarship was awarded to her. Her Parents were very happy for her. Angela was a good girl. She obeyed her parents and teachers and everyone that came her way. After her secondary education, she got admission into the University of Lagos to study Mass Communication and she came out with a very good grade. She later got married to Layemi who was a medical Doctor and God blessed them with three wonderful Children, two boys (Ayomide, Johnson) and a girl (Angel.) *The End*


          Bettiwin Ltd : PropertConsultant


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