Abigail saw bags of stocked cash by a corner and close to it were bags of white substance she was trying hard to figure out. She moved slowly towards the direction to get a closer view.
"Looking for something?" The owner of the Shop exclaimed as she returned with the jewelry.
Abigail was startled and quickly turned around.
"Noooo! Not exactly ma!" She replied with a faint smile and the woman returned a smile.
"So, this is the jewelry you requested for." The woman said as she handed Abigail the chain.
For some seconds, Abigail was smitten by what she had seen and she was trying really hard to shake it off.
" much is it ma?" She asked quickly.
"It's just ten thousand!" The Woman said with her high pitched voice.
"Please, let me pay eight thousand." Abigail negotiated.
The woman smiled.
"Young lady, this is pure's very expensive." The woman argued.
"...please...eight thousand!" Abigail persisted.
Then, some men dressed in black uniforms entered the shop.
With a very stern look, they beckoned on the woman to come over. As soon as she saw them, she quickly excused herself.
"Please, just hold on." She whispered to Abigail ans quickly joined the men in black.
Abigail just stood still and stared.

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Winner of Ejirostoryblog Writing Competition for Schools!
Ebih Angel.
From Satellite Town Baptist Nursery and primary school.
Angel Ebih , 9 yrs old, primary 4, Flanked at the right by her Mother(Mrs Roseline Abigail) and by the left, her Teacher(Mrs Elizabeth Ayeni.)
In order to maintain her Innocence, we decided to present the unedited Story.
 by Ebih Angel.
 Once upon a time, there lived a girl names Angela. Her Mother trained her to work hard to achieve her goals. Her Father was poor and helpless. There was a competition was held in her school on _How to Read_. Angela took first position and a Scholarship was awarded to her. Her Parents were very happy for her. Angela was a good girl. She obeyed her parents and teachers and everyone that came her way. After her secondary education, she got admission into the University of Lagos to study Mass Communication and she came out with a very good grade. She later got married to Layemi who was a medical Doctor and God blessed them with three wonderful Children, two boys (Ayomide, Johnson) and a girl (Angel.) *The End*


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