WHAT GOES INTO YOUR BODY? Written by E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏿

WHAT GOES INTO YOUR BODY? Written by E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏿

   The answer to this question is multidimensional when we dissect it holistically. From the food we eat to the words we speak there is an ongoing process, and this is a combination of the moment we allow it to the moment it succeeds! You cannot divorce yourself from the outcome of any event, identify your role and take responsibility for it.

    Don't settle for less out of desperation.

Think through the process and establish a well defined standard.

Be deliberate about what and who you entertain into your space- not everyone must be invited to the 'party'.

Watch out for 'red flags'

Learn to sieve inputs while thinking outside the box.

Most importantly, train your 'Taste Bud' - not everything that looks good, actually taste good! Appearance can be deceitful.

Be discreet.

Do not let your emotions overshadow your intellect.

The process is as important as the end result.

     E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏿

(Creative Content Writer, Blogger, Voiceover Merchant , Author and Creative Storyteller)

 #event #food #branding #thinking #linkedin #linkbuilding #networking



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