HE STOLE HER PRIDE... Written by E PLUS The Storyteller

 HE STOLE HER PRIDE..written by E PLUS The Storyteller.


She was quite young, adventurous and full of life. Apart from having a very charming smile, she was the life of the park, little wonder she was the toast of so many young men, particularly in her neighborhood. However, this was a major concern for her parents.



“Where are you coming from, by this time? With an angry tone, her father asked, one Saturday evening.


“Dad, I just attended my friend’s birthday party, the one I mentioned to you last week.” She replied.


“Okay? But I don’t remember giving my approval.” Her father replied.


“…but, Dad it’s just within the neighborhood.” She insisted.


“Well that doesn’t still rule out the fact that I did not give my approval.” Her Dad maintained.


“Okay, I’m sorry Dad.” She apologized.

“Hmm...Ensure, this doesn’t happen again.” Her father instructed.


“Okay, Dad.” She replied.


Two weeks after, she told her Dad about a special event, organized by a youth forum to award outstanding talents in the community, and she had been nominated. Sounding more like the event he would have approved, her dad did not hesitate. The event had started on a very decent note, everyone was at the event, and the stage was set. Somewhere in the crowd, she could see the guy she had been crushing over for so many years, and while staring at him, he caught her eyes. Quickly, she avoided his, as her heart raced.


The award ceremony was over, and it was time for the after-party! Everyone had let down their guard, quite weary of the time, and considering how her Dad would react, she decided to leave. She made her way through the back door, and as she headed on, she heard a voice behind her.


“Hello! Beautiful!”


Immediately, she turned around and saw her crush, her heart skipped.


“Hi.” She responded.


“Congratulations on your award.” He said.


“Thanks.” She replied.


“Why are you leaving? The after-parte is still on.


“Em... I can’t stay any longer, I need to run.” She said.


“Hmmm… Daddy’s girl, right?” He said,


With a grin on his face. She simply smiled, as she constantly avoided his eyes.


“Sorry, I just have to go.” She insisted.

“…but we just started talking, and I know you have a thing for me.” He said. At this point, she had become very nervous.


“Well, maybe some other time, I just can’t afford to spend any more time here; I really really need to run.’ She emphasized.


“Okay, can I give you a ride, that’s the least I can do for wasting your time.” He said, with a smile.


“Oh, no! Please don’t stress yourself; I will just take a cab.” She responded.


“I insist, besides it is quite late now.” He said, and after weighing her options, she accepted his offer.


“Thanks, a lot!” She exclaimed, and then, he led her to the point, where he had parked his car. He opened the door, and they entered. Then, he began to drive.


“So, what is your favorite song?” He asked.


“I don’t think I really have any, I just enjoy good songs.” She replied, as she continued to glance at her wrist watch, for the time.

Then, he bent forward to turn on the radio.

At this point, it had become very loud, and this made her quite uneasy.


“Don’t you like the song?” He asked, as he had noticed her countenance.


“Em… not really, it’s just loud.” She said.


“Oh! Sorry about that.” He said, and then bent forward again to turn down the volume. This time, he had stretched forth his right hand to hold her hands, she moved away slightly, and was quite taken aback by his action. He turned to her, and smiled.


“Relax! It’s just a harmless gesture. I actually thought we were cool.” He said, defensively.


‘Em… I would like to drop at the next Bus Stop, please.” She snapped.


‘’Okay, fine. Let me just quickly get fuel, and we will be off.” He said, as he negotiated a bend. By this time, she had become quite edgy, and resolved to just step out of the car, once he parked, but to her surprise, he continued to drive.


“I thought you said you want to get fuel?” she asked.


“Well I changed my mind.” He snapped.


“Then, where are we going?” She interrogated further.


Without saying a word, he drove into a deserted warehouse and parked. He stared at her for a while, and she was baffled.


“Why are we here?” She asked, trembling at the same time.


“…Because, I just want us to spend time together.” He replied. Then, she knew she had to escape. She tried to open the door but it was locked. She turned to him, and asked:


“Why is the door locked?”


He smiled, and replied:


“Of course, I locked it! You ask too many questions. See I just want us to have fun, the earlier you cooperate, the better for us.” He yelled.  Immediately, she began to shout for help, hitting her fist on the windscreen, but all to no avail. He held on firmly to her hands, and over powered her, ripping off her dress. He stole her pride!


The next day, the headlines were screaming with the gory tale of how a young girl was violated by yet another culprit, she had completely lost her womb in the process!... hmmm!


Sad indeed. This is the reality we are constantly faced with, and looks like we are yet to give it the much needed attention, it deserves. So many questions, yet no answer.Why does it appear like the culprits of this menace, called RAPE, walk on the streets, freely?


Is there some form of immunity backing them?


Going forward, is there any form of provision for the victims to gain stability?


Are we all just noise, and no action?” sensitization is good; however deliberate actions must be taken to address this monster, once and for all! It’s been a long time coming. We need to put a name and a face to these culprits, rather than make excuses for them- THEY ARE NOT INVISIBLE. As a people, a nation and a society we need to emphasize the need to respect boundaries, regardless of our emotions at any particular time-




We need to be more responsible.



From E PLUS The Storyteller Creative Writing Skills, Visual Arts Communication, Blogging and Storytelling Platform.



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