An  epitome of beauty and unrivalled dexterity yet she exhumes such confidence and tenacity as she flawlessly displays her stage craft.

Meet the guest, Yeye Floxy, Queen of Hikkoso music(a k.a Floxy bee) on E PLUS the Storyteller as she takes us into her world and tells us about the journey thus far....

E PLUS The Storyteller: Welcome to E PLUS the Storyteller Blog.

 Yeye Floxy: Thank you, I am glad to be here.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Awesome.👍.Congratulations on the many feathers to your hat.

Yeye Floxy: Thank you so much.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Amongst these feathers, are the titles conferred on you. How do you feel?

Yeye Floxy: How do l feel? I feel good! It's an honor to be recognized for the work you do. I thank the city of Newark for the Resolution .

 E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmm..great.
You are a woman of many colours as far as being talented is concerned, how can you define yourself in all of this?

Yeye Floxy: I see myself as an entertainer, born to make people happy and in the process of entertaining, create an atmosphere of healing. As we all know music heals.

E PLUS The Storyteller: let's talk about your music. You're a veteran in the music industry who has successfully cut a niche for yourself, how has the journey been thus far?

 Yeye Floxy: Not bad at all.  I glorify God. It's filled with bumps here and there but, l have been able to stay on course, believing in my act and as such gain a following that not only listens to African music but those that love everything pertaining to our Culture. As you know African Music is often rejected by it's own who preferseverything European. The same Europeans are the ones that cherish African music the most. We need to appreciate what is ours.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: Very profound👏🏻
Eko is one of your most popular songs, what's the inspiration behind it?

 Yeye Floxy: My song "Eko" means Lagos. It's an atmospheric song describing the hustle and bustle of lagos. If you don't become smart in lagos you will never be smart anywhere in the world. Eko ogba gbere (Lagos, ni nonsense)Danfo oshi ere! In a loud voice "Iya elewa aganyiin".(loudly)😀 A fun song.

E PLUS The Storyteller: Great.
Is there a difference between life performance and recording as far as music goes?

Yeye Floxy: If l have to pick between the two, life performance is better because it gives you the opportunity of being yourself. Life performance simply means flexibility.  While recording means formatted. Hmmm maybe rigidity.
 😀. Better put, with life performance you are your authentic self. Yes!

E PLUS The Storyteller: Hmmm..
 And this leads me to to the next question, what inspires your tireless dexterity?

Yeye Floxy: What inspires my tireless dexterity? Hmmm. I love what l do though it has not made me a multi-millionaire.  Music or should l say singing is in my blood, it's in my D.N.A.  Ask a lot of Artists, it is never easy to go into a different profession. It's like a d...g. You must have it. Why? Music is life.

E PLUS The Storyteller: What's your most memorable performance?

Yeye Floxy: E plus Storyteller 😀, every performance is memorable. You must kill it all the time you step on that stage, there are no small shows or big shows. Take note. Anytime you handle the mic, just be ready . Forever ready is my name. 😍

E PLUS The Storyteller: Wow! So is Chief Floxy Yeye.. working on any project?

 Yeye Floxy: I have a lot on my plate right now. I am getting ready for my shows here in the State. July 25th@Joe's pub and August 4th@Musikfest Pennsylvania.  17-21 of July my oganisation is having 2019 Spirit of Peace and Prosperity Summit. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions in New York, a five days event of dignitaries coming from all parts of the world in attendance. Ooni Oba Adeyeye Ogunwusi was there last year. Oba Aderemi Alayemore of Ido Osun was there. To mention a few. The prayers for our brothers and sisters who were enslaved was done. They were remembered for their legacies of paving the way for us, Yeye Asa- mother of culture, Yeye Osun MDK 1, Queen Diambi of Congo.

 E PLUS The Storyteller: how do you balance music and the home front?

Yeye Floxy: I sing at home
l go into the kitchen and infuse my food with melodic flavours.

E PLUS The Storyteller: What will you say to people who want to take music as a career?

Yeye Floxy: No matter what you do, you need education. It's good to have a secondary skill for the hard times so as to achieve your musical dreams. Don't give up. Let one hand subsidise the other.
E PLUS The Storyteller: For a woman of your pedigree, who is well travelled by virtue of your musical prowess, How would you describe, your musical experience thus far?

Yeye Floxy Yeye: It's what l was meant to do. There is satisfaction and fulfilling one's destiny.The nice thing is thar music can be shared. I pray that l can add to our  collective consciousness and do my bit, to save our culture.

E PLUS The Storyteller: How can Chief Floxy Yeye be reached?

Chief Floxy: send me a message
 on :Floxybee.Yeyeasa@ l.G,

 Facebook:floxybee the Queen of Hikosso Music ,

 Twitter: @iamfloxybee or see me in person at one of my shows.
Chief Floxy Yeye: Linkedin

E PLUS The Storyteller: Chief Floxy Yeye... it's been such a tremendous time with you, here on E PLUS the Storyteller Blog, we look forward to more chats in the nearest future. The entire team of E PLUS the Storyteller Blog and I, wish you greater heights in your endeavours.

Yeye Floxy: Ase!!!!. Bye oooo. Thanks for having me. May you continue to grow from strength to strength.  Even though I can't  see you. I'm sending love and abundance of blessings your way. To God be the glory❤😍🙏🏽

There you have has been such an engaging moment with the Queen of Hikosso, Yeye Floxy. Stay tuned for next edition of MEET THE GUEST with E PLUS the Storyteller. Remain blessed.


...And it's finally here..
 TALES OF VERSES by Ejiro Emenike Ukaumune(a.k.a E PLUS the Storyteller) is a collection of stories based on real life experiences which ranges from Rape, Domestic violence, child molestation, human trafficking, Vanity and Family challenges.
 Allthe silent voices who have been unable to speak out against these vices are well represented in these stories. Fictional names have been used to protect the image of the people in these stories.

Click the link to get your copy.

Or send me a direct message with your email, on 08028489362, 09075005895.

 You get a free Audio-Visual Story from E PLUS the Storyteller when you get any of her stories, then you get two when you get all the stories😊


  1. Nice one and really interesting

  2. Nice and really educating. I love it when women are at the forefront of life changing careers. Chief floxy-more feathers to your hat.

  3. Thanks for the feedback flight Creations


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