On this edition of MEET THE GUEST WITH E PLUS THE STORYTELLER, 9 YEAR OLD Ahjarah is our guest

E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏿: Welcome to the exclusive segment of MEET THE GUEST with E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏽 Ahjarah : Thank you. E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏿: So can we get to meet you? Your name, your grade and age? Ahjarah : My name is Ahjarah Akande, I am in primary four, I am 10 years old. E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏿: Awesome. Ahjarah would it be right to say one of your passions is Storytelling? Ahjarah : Yes ma E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏿: Great! So tell us more about what inspires your Storytelling Art. Ahjarah : It all just started when I was imagining myself in front of an audience and I began to recite a poem, and when I started saying the words, I just formed up a poem and then my mom really liked the poem. And then, I began to like writing poems and tell stories. E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏿: Wow! So you're getting better each day? Ahjarah : Yes ma E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏿: That's really amazing! Can you tell us about your Creative Wr...