
Showing posts from December, 2023

The Creative Meal Combination( From E PLUS Kitchen 🔥)

  The Creative Meal Combination  From E PLUS Kitchen 🔥 Hope your week is going well?And the activities? I guess your menu list is filled with so many varieties 😃 Well, here are some really favourite meal combinations the entire family can enjoy this coming week...Easy to prepare and can be creatively explored to bring on that refreshing dimension to meal time.  Bring on the creativity to your meal time as you continue to explore various options.       Brought to you by E PLUS KITCHEN 🔥 _______________________________                                   ADVERT                          UKO DO FROM E PLUS KITCHEN 🔥 is a combination of native Black Plantain and Yam Pepper Soup Porridge made with local spices, no artificial seasoning added.  Whether it's UKODO with goat meat, fresh fish, beef, chicken, ...


  Parent A : I don't understand my child ooo! She talks too much! Parent B: My child ask a lot of question, sometimes I feel like just tying her mouth . Parent C : My child is too quiet, and I don't like it. At least, he should be more eloquent like other children. Parent D : My child is too active, always looking for things to do, I'm just tired.     And the complain goes on and on! But wait a minute, rather than fuss, how about we look at the uniqueness of each child and appreciate the creative value that tags along? Because we might just be missing out the important details. First, we need to understand that what makes a child stand out speak volumes of that child's strength and potential, so that means what we complain about quite often might not necessarily be a problem. That your child ask lots of questions, can talk and is very active, point towards the fact that he or she has a proactive mind and would make a very spot-on presenter, who can handle and coordinat...

The President's Side Chick...Written by E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏾

  THE PRESIDENT'S SIDE CHICK(9)  Written by E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏾 She asked. And without a word, Jay-Jay beckoned on Janet to follow his lead. As soon as they arrived at a place that appeared quite secluded from the main hall, another set of escorts led them in, there Janet saw the president, dressed in white, seated on a marble stool, with a smile on.   "Hmmm...Miss J, good to see you again. Hope you are good?" The President exclaimed.  "Yes, sir....I'm okay...thank you for the warm reception thus far." Janet replied, stuttering quite a bit.   "Well, it's a good day, and you can see, we have a very important event at hand. I'm about to step into the hall to make my presentation and I want you to introduce me." The President said. Janet was quite dumbfounded at The President's request and remained silent for a while. "So are you good?" The President said, further. "Hmmm...Mr. President, I really think this is...