Celebrating the opening of a New Worship Cenre by Emerging New Me Ministries.

E PLUS The Storyteller ✍🏿: Welcome you to this special segment of Meet The Guest with E PLUS The Storyteller. ✍🏿 Congratulations on your new worship centre. Tell us, what's the story? Pastor Judith King (Emerging New Me New Ministries) Judith King: Wow!!!! Thank you so much, our new worship centre was born out of a heart for expression. Many times our heart yearn for expression, we look for space to create some kind of atmosphere that will allow us spread our hands and feel at ease to demonstrate our inner feelings. One thing I asked God for, was for a space to give us freedom to experience Him in deeper dimension, 2. I asked the lord for a place to serve, and when we were shown the place, I was like "God how? " Hmmm... because normally with me, it's a no for me but I remembered my prayer and that's how we began working on the place. And today we have transformed the place to a beautiful palace. E PLUS The Storytelle...