FOOLISH! A Story by E PLUS the storyteller. I just made a mess of myself..or so they thought. It was an event that culminated to a major headline. When I met Nnamdi, I thought my problems were over.. honestly that was my impression o! Little did I know that I had just landed myself a major crisis! Na wa o! imagine me..a whole me. miscalculated for the very first time in my relationship equation..hmmm.. I met Nnamdi at a grocery store where I had been window shopping. So that day, my eyes were caught by the exotic items that just arrived at the store. I strolled care freely from one section to another - trust me, if you had seen me, you would think my father owned the store, chai! My swag was on another level. Anyways, like I was narrating, I couldn't help admiring the beautiful items in the store, then I stumbled on a very rare piece that looked lik...