SISI EKO. ✍ Immediately, the Policemen intervened before Abigail could let loose her fury of outburst. While Tessy held on to her, the Policemen deliberately demarcated a gap between Abigail and the other women. Apparently, tension had built up amongst the women. "Tessy! It's because of your intervention o!" Abigail lamented as they sat on the other end of the reception. Tinu, Sunbo and Ada laughed mischievously as they sat opposite Abigail and Tessy while staring at them. The Policemen kept close check on all women as they waited anxiously for the arrival of the Doctor. Shortly, a nurse arrived at the reception. She carried a file and ran through its content. "..em..who is Abigail?" She enquired. This time, Abigail was lackadaisical. She refused to respond. Everyone's attention was on her however she seemed unperturbed. After waiting patiently for a response and there was none, the nurs...