Dele quickly took a look at Abigail as soon as she exclaimed. He had almost lost grip of the steering but for his calculative disposure, he held on. "Abigail, any problem?" He asked. Abigail quickly adjusted and maintained a calm disposure. She had suddenly realize d that time was fast spent and Chief's party would have gone very far. "em..Dele..I just remembered something very important that I have to catch up with at Home." Abigail said spontaneously. Dele remained silent for a while as he continued driving. "So, I guess I have to drop you by the way then?" Dele said, quite disappointed by Abigail's sudden announcement. "Well if you don't mind?" Abigail responded. Dele quickly negotiated a turn and slowly parked the Car, the Driver who had been following his lead, also parked by... is in a critical condition and I am taking him to my Hospital where he can...