E PLUS The Storyteller ✍️ WORDMATICS...Create an idiomatic expression from the action you see!

ACTION : Cutting IDIOMATIC EXPRESSIONS FROM THE ACTION (Cutting) 1. Cut it out!: Stop doing something. Example: "Cut it out! Don't make that face." 1. Cut to the chase: Tell me the important part. Example: "Mom, cut to the chase! What's for dessert?" 1. Cutting corners: Taking shortcuts. Example: "We're cutting corners to get to the park faster." 1. Cut loose: Have fun. Example: "Let's cut loose and play outside!" 1. Cut off: Stop or disconnect. Example: "Turn off the TV, it's cutting off our playtime." 1. Cutting down: Making something smaller. Example: "We need to cut down this big puzzle." 1. Cut your teeth: Learn something new. Example: "You're cutting your teeth on riding a bike!" 1. Cut from the same cloth: Very similar. Example: "You and your twin are cut from th...