*HALF THE WOMAN* A Story by E PLUS the storyteller.. She flipped the door open and walked straight into her office. Full of rage, she screamed!!! Almost immediately, her secretary ran in. "Ma, are you okay?" The secretary asked, quite concerned. She gave her a stare that answered her question. "Sorry ma." The secretary apologized as she hurriedly left the house. Back to herself, she pondered over the last meeting held by the company. The teaming, ganging and conspiracy was quite obvious. She could perceive his undaunted effort to intimidate her. She reflected on his hard and mean stare, then suddenly she burst into laughter, hysterically as she paced about her office. "What a world!!" She exclaimed. "There she was, the last fool standing!" She thought. A part of her just felt like letting go all the hurts, pains and disappointments yet another part screamed: "Vendetta!...