VOID Chibuzor was quite restrained by Scarlet's response. He hurriedly took the last drop of juice. "Well, that's quite awkward. You mean your husband never told you where he was headed for?" Chibuzor asked, much more curious this time. "No, he did not. He only mentioned something about being away for official reasons. He got this job after he lost the previous one and almost immediately, he left for this new one. That's all I can say for now." Scarlet narrated. "Well, I guess you can always call him and definitely inform him about your present condition." Chibuzor said. Scarlet remained quiet for a while. "Well, his call has not been going through for sometime now." She replied. Chibuzor pondered. "Maybe you should get in touch with his close friends for any information about his whereabout." Chibuzor suggested. Scarlet remained quiet again as she pondered ov...