VOID "Oh! Thank goodness, you're fine o!" Mrs Hilda exclaimed as she heaved a sigh of relief. Mrs Susan held Scarlet's hands and helped her to stand. Still oblivious, Scarlet stood and followed her Mother back to the living room. Scarlet noticed the broken plates on the floor. "You need to rest more often." Chibuzor advised as everyone sat down. "Hmmm..I still feel quite dizzy though." Scarlet said. "Are sure you can drive?" Susan, her Mother asked as she had become worried. "If you don't mind I can drive you home." Chibuzor offered. "Yea..Scarlet, you cannot drive in this state of yours!" Susan concurred. After a while, Hilda and her son, Chibuzor were set to go. Scarlet joined them out. Then, Chibuzor took charge of Scarlet's car as he had offered to drive her home w...